Indeed yes, old chap. Lets get back to the safe world, discussing flag etiquette, and the more arcane scenarios of Colregs. An occasional mild rebuke of power boats is acceptable, in moderation. We would welcome the occasional post from Jonny Foreigner, so long as it showed that essentially the sun never set on the pink bits on the globe.
Well done Kim. Lets roll the clock back a few decades!
<font color=blue>Jeremy Flynn/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif Dawn Chorus</font color=blue>
I'm propping up the yacht club bar, clad in navy blue blazer regaling all and sundry about how to tie a bowline in my dick ... oops ... got confused again must have another pink gin ... oops safer to have a G&T ... ooops might be confused for S&M .. sod it I'm down the working mens club for a good old pint of heavy.
Well, whatever you want to do let me make it clear this area isn't an exclusive club in which members can wear their pipes, smoke their carpet slippers (did I get that the right way around?) and tear lumps out of anyone that enters.
Don't want to lose anyone here but there are limits to everything, as I indicated earlier...
Jeremy, appreciate your comments but at the end of the day all the anon thread wound up doing was:
a) upsetting at least one regular user who uses Scuttlebutt to the point she won't come back;
b) probably dissuaded every unregistered viewer that saw it never to register.
I accept none of that was your fault in terms of the original thread. I also accept, as confirmed at least once yesterday, that there's plenty of space for the lighter-hearted here. But I don't accept comments that it needs to get to extremes, in any context.
I've already said my piece about PC and my dislike of its onward march towards the point of silliness in the world at large. But the fact is that you are all posting on a publicly-viewed board associated with a magazine that covers yachting, which in turn spans a wide range of ages, interests, subjective opinions and dare I say it without getting flamed...a wide span of personal standards.
Judging from the responses here it seems I have the vote on this one. As you well know I leave this forum alone for much of the intervention here as been specifically due to the slight overheating of a a few users and the requests of several others.
Lighten-up? More than pleased to. Help me do it and I'll be out of here again. Keep exploring the edge of what we can tolerate and we'll all collectively waste each others' time.
geee , thought that one bit processors were all taken out of action by now /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
o.k. , here goes , step by step , do it slowly , take an ample supply of bevvies with you , take a towel for the sweat , concentrate ...and if it doesn't work , go take a cold shower and start again.
-the anon thread is pulled , sin-binned as his majesty Hollamby says , so you can't see it anymore
-go to the main page of S'butt , where you see all the threads , now take a deep breath
-on top of the threads , to the right , you see this fill in box named "Search" , if you don't see it , go for new glasses.
-in that box , fill in steve101 , sure you can do that , it's written all over the place
-click the search and drink at least one bottle (minimum alcoholic percentage should be 10)
-through the miraculous ways of Buttforums inc. you will see a list where that odious (sounds better than glorious) name is mentioned
-when going through that list , you see one from TCM , title is "Ease up Steve101"
-if you don't see that , don't start slapping the wife around the room , it's not her fault , and remember , you're no sexist.
-when clicking that line , you will get to the sin-binned "anon" thread , miraculously
-time for a next bottle , and if you have a heart condition , time to call the emergency services (with NHS, you can't be quick enough ! )
-when you now start clicking the entries of the thread , you only get errors , except for the one in which you write down your defense (a man who is right in his shoes should not defend himself , let those plebejans have their squabble , you're far above it).
-if that does not work out , time to go to the weekly shrink session , make it at double whammy this week.
another consulting invoice will be sent out today , thanks S'butt for making me rich /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
Are you picking on me? Kim, is he picking on me? I'm sure this is against the law! Must check with my lawyer if I'm allowed to defend myself with reasonable force which I deem necessary.
definitely not picking on you , too afraid the balloon would burst , consequences might be intergalactic
and when it comes down at being pulled , I'm still ahead of you , keep trying, but have to admit , you're getting on top of the art.
Point made, however I do believe that your point is being skated over. I think specifics need to be applied and made examples of. Seriously if we all take what you say as red and we continue to cross the line we should all be sin binned or (ultimately banned!). However if we do not know where the line is, how can it be our fault when we cross it.
Nicho's thread (Which has been kept alive to provide further embarassment for asking a somewhat daft question.) "Why is it...." could be misconstrued as bigotist towards the gay community, but seems to have been accepted as what it is; Fun!
There are other threads that also cover somewhat delicate issues and remain on-line.
If I may, with regard to yesterdays storm in a teacup. It is perfectly acceptable for Ali G to use the "naughty" word in question in direct context with what was suggested and he is watched by millions, not just a few hundred (Sorry if I got this wrong) scuttlebutters. If the counter arguement is he goes out after the 9pm watershed then why is it that the bastion of "Middle of the road" daytime entertainment parodied him (Richard Madeley) during a 10.30-12.00 show. Elton John got to number no 15 in the chart with "The bitch is back!" I assume not all masogenistic males bought this one and guess what; HE was knighted!
Thing are getting silly, people are whinging far too much. Just as I know when I enter someone elses thread that it is going to be hardcore sailing knowledge, my counterparts know that my post may countain rique tongue in cheek humour. If it's not to their tastes it is within their remit not to double click and read it, as it is within mine not to.
Yesterday was not all about the afore mentioned five letter word and in all of our defences The_fruitbat had already decided that the content of the forum had passed what she felt was a reasonable amount of sexist banter months ago (Before I came on the scene!) and this is what had "forced" her underground to the "anon" status. I guess this was the final straw for her and it is genuinely sad to see anyone leave for this reason, however it came as a great surprise to me as we had exchanged quite friendly posts before she decided to leave. (Kim has the evidence of this and I'm sure will bear me out on this one.)
I, myself will exercise my own personal self monitoring, aware that it is all to easy to offend when no offence is meant, to anger when no inflamatory comment is offered and to shatter fragile sensibilities when my own are somewhat cast iron. I'm sorry (Genuinely if this last sentence applies to any of you.)
This is a great forum (Coming highly recommended to me!) and I see no reason why we can't have both highly topical debate AND humour. So if I'm not your cup of tea (and I have no problem with that.) fine or if you find me pretty funny really, fine. Let all just get on with what we all enjoy; Talking about boats.
Thank you for taking the time to get to the bottom of this thread.
There seems to be a view that there are a few rotten eggs on this forum, ruining the pleasure of others. I presume I am considered one of these eggs. If complainants were to bother to do a posting search by name of those that they consider flippant, racist, sexist and homophobic, they would discover that the majority of postings by Steve, Jimi, tcm, and other characters, were actually serious and worthy, to the point of dull.
What the 'Bad Eggs' seem to have is a slightly zany sense of humour, and can create fun mental images. Take tcm's reply to Free the Scuttlebutt 1 post. That stated a wonderful mock battle of stripping the Moody of goodies before Steve got back. Similarly, with my anonymous posting, I was trying to get a similar thread going on the folk looking in to the forum from outside.
Kim, a suggestion: can us Bad Eggs have a coloured name, just as you have yours in red. That way, posters who know they don't like this type of humour can avoid disturbing themselves by reading our postings. A bit like the red triangle that Channel 4 used to use for adult material. If you have bagged red, and blue is for regular postings can we have green?
Anyone else want a green name ID? Ive changed my signature in anticipation, and my occupation in my profile is now Bad Egg.
<font color=green>Jeremy Flynn/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif Dawn Chorus</font color=green>
If you really want to understand how others view this forum - then try putting yourself in someone else's position.
Look at the forum from the perspective of someone who is not a regular, or perhaps only looks in every couple of days, and it becomes a very intimidating place.
Massive threads, robust one-to-one discussions and "in jokes" jumping across threads all make this a confusing and unfriendly forum for the causal browser. Robust or aggressive replies add to the trepidation an anonymous lurker will feel about sticking their head above the parapet.
So what you are saying is we should all be the same, should not exchange personal conversation on the open forum, should not have "in" jokes and accept a personal attack regarding the above without response. I'm not trying to be comabtive here, but I can't see any other way of interpreting you reply. Surely if such a timid character as you portray exists the banter would entice not dissuade?
Please reply,I'm interested by your slant on this.
No - I'm not saying that, but I am trying to point out the dilemma.
To some extent the same problem exists in real yacht clubs as well. We enjoy the banter and jokiness, but it is exactly the development of that cosiness that can be very off putting to outsiders, or those who perhaps like to communicate in different ways.
To draw up a set of rules would render the forum anodyne, and kill it - but I am asking people to think a bit more about how the forum, and individual posts, appear to outsiders.
In particular at present this forum has a very male feel to it. The type of chat that goes on is much more like a group of blokes sharing a pint down the pub, than a group of girls on a girls night out.
I'm only one individual - my views are no more likely to be right than anyone elses. If people are happy with the way the forum is developing then let them get on with it. If there is genuine concern about why outsiders don't become posters, then the views of an outsider might be useful.