Well-known member
The cops visited the boat that arrived here from Plymouth and did nothing....Don't be so sure. Any harbour with a webcam will have a clype.
The cops visited the boat that arrived here from Plymouth and did nothing....Don't be so sure. Any harbour with a webcam will have a clype.
My Marina is open and I will be heading down tomorrow a travel there and back 120 miles,
I think I canny walk that or cycle or I will have a sore arse
But will be sensible and drive carefully , screaming at everyone to get out of the way. I will dance through the hordes at the marina , and enter my Virus free boat and bask in the glory of an oven box , inside, as I gasp to get out for air,
Do you think if the islands are off limits that one can use the maritime law of safe harbour without getting lynched if your boat has an issue
Just because someone chooses to follow guidelines does not make them a numpty or whatever the poster who’s son is in California insinuated.
It is highly likely that no one posting knows anyone’s circumstances (apart from Flying Goose’s) or reasons for following guidelines. To suggest that another interpretation is superior is arrogant and wrong; irrespective of your stance: legal or guidance.
It is highly likely that some people will take time to adjust and settle into a new way of interacting in society. They don’t need to feel insulted and ridiculed by those who take a different view.
that is absolute rubbish ,, he is stating the actual situation not a perceived one from a stream of apologists and paranoid doo gooders.There are still people who are shielding who will not be able to take advantage of any of the new opportunities, the statement you quoted may have nothing to do with the travel guidance you seem so hung up about.
I understand that you feel strongly about this but your comments are starting to get repetitive and clog up a thread which is a useful source of actual information. I do not wish to attack you or say that your opinions are wrong, merely that they have now been well aired.
quite happily led by the nose , with the wool firmly pulled down over their eyes , right over the edge of the cliff , and still there will be the appeasers and apologists .Apologies... numpties was probably harsh. I'm just thoroughly sick of curtain twitchers at this stage. It does seem though that many (and I mean outwith sailing) need to be led by the hand.
Not today but I will try and remember my camera tomorrow.Just a gentle reminder to anyone out sailing today... This forum demands pics
I can't seem to find a link to the updated legislation for Scotland. Note 'legislation', not guidance, advice, etc. I've already seen some nonsense posted on a facebook sailing group in relation to these new 'rules' and surpise surprise, the author was quickly shot down in flames for making out that most people would not be able to go to their boats. From here on in, I am following the legislation, as written, and applying my own common sense in relation to what, if any, risk I am taking or posing to others. The same dynamic risk assessment techniques that I use in the rest of my life and when at work. If the numpties need every last thing spelled out for them, then let them sit at home and suck it up, but I am going sailing, will be anchoring out overnight and sleeping on board.
I notice a contrast between attitudes to following guidelines on this forum and on climbing forums. Apologies to steve69p, as I have picked his post a bit randomly to reply to. Climbers seem to be more concerned than yachtsmen about the perception by none-climbers of their actions, in part because of the effect on relations after the crisis. The difference may be because access to crags is a long term concern of climbers. But is the yachting community sufficiently aware of the importance of being seen to do the right thing? eg If a trawlerman from Stornoway sees a yacht anchored overnight in Loch Torridon, and talks about us not following advice when he gets back home, what effect will this have on our reception in the Western Isles as the lockdown gradually lifts?
Please reread my post. Going climbing now ;-)I don't think anyone is suggesting that they are going to sail off to the islands. This thread is about getting back on water I thought.
I notice a contrast between attitudes to following guidelines on this forum and on climbing forums. Apologies to steve69p, as I have picked his post a bit randomly to reply to. Climbers seem to be more concerned than yachtsmen about the perception by none-climbers of their actions, in part because of the effect on relations after the crisis. The difference may be because access to crags is a long term concern of climbers. But is the yachting community sufficiently aware of the importance of being seen to do the right thing? eg If a trawlerman from Stornoway sees a yacht anchored overnight in Loch Torridon, and talks about us not following advice when he gets back home, what effect will this have on our reception in the Western Isles as the lockdown gradually lifts?
Please reread my post. Going climbing now ;-)
I notice a contrast between attitudes to following guidelines on this forum and on climbing forums.
With or without your Bivouac?Please reread my post. Going climbing now ;-)