Schengen Visa - 90/180 rule


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6 Mar 2010
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Thanks Vic. So how would the next Schengen country view this gap in your passport history?
When you leave Malta and check in to e.g. Italy would they not want to know where you had been for the past few weeks?

I'd be quite worried about trusting my plans to some officials effectively turning a blind eye, but it's certainly an interesting possibility. A lot of extra miles for those of us who didn't plan on heading that far in to the Med, though.

When I've checked in they often ask where I came from ... sometimes "open sea" works as an answer - especially if resetting a temporary import - sometimes it doesn't and you have to be more specific. You could of course lie ;) ... with the associated risks if found out. For a Canadian, an American or an Australian, it would be a bummer to get barred from Europe but you could go home and carry on pretty much as normal .... for a Brit you're getting banned from pretty much every decent short-haul flight or driving holiday destination and will have to sit it out in the UK and only go on holiday outside Europe.

I wouldn't put my trust in some officials turning a blind eye, especially as Brexit and a red ensign will mark your boat as a soft target as of 01.01.2021 - just as red diesel rules and a red ensign in Holland or Belgium does.


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26 Jan 2004
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All this stuff written here about Brexit, I lay money come next year there going to. A way around the problem for us cruisers.
For some who enjoy walking into official offices no sooner their anchor touch the bottom maybe not.
Baggywrinkle ...
It's nothing to do with anyone turning a blind eye , if your passport isn't stamp , your not in the EU full stop .


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24 May 2012
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All this stuff written here about Brexti , I lay money come next year there going to. A way around the problem for us cruisers.
For some who enjoy walking into official offices no sooner their anchor touch the bottom maybe not

Suspect the official may come to meet you??

Ducking and diving and staying away from civilisation and continually looking over my shoulder?

You may be right but getting it wrong and being banished from the EU. Is that a risk worth taking?

I will try to establish the rules and abide by them. Unlimited stay in the UK and my host country and 90/180 elsewhere wouldn’t be too onerous.


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26 Jan 2004
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But the EU say those of us with residence in one State shouldn't have our passports stamped when transiting to/from via other States.
Graham I was refiring to non EU yacht which us Brits boats will be next year , also some don't want to jump through hoops,residence for all sorts of reasons .
Also just be awhere people who got residency in country's , tho country can easily change the rule and insist the boats are registered under their flag and there rules bit like some places in Spain .
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24 May 2012
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But the EU say those of us with residence in one State shouldn't have our passports stamped when transiting to/from via other States.

Agree and I think there will be no problems/checks for EU residents moving around within the Schengen Zone.

Any problem will occur when entering or leaving the Schengen Zone (like arriving by boat at a port of entry).

Although passports will not be stamped, your details will be checked on the Schengen Database.

For this reason, I suspect the EU-wide biometric residency permit (that will confirm your status) will be wheeled out as soon as possible.


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24 May 2012
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Graham I was refiring to non EU yacht which us Brits boats will be next year , also some don't want to jump through hoops,residence for all sorts of reasons .
Also just be awhere people who got residency in country's , tho country can easily change the rule and insist the boats are registered under their flag and there rules bit like some places in Spain .

Vic, I hope you are right but why would any country start changing rules that have stood them in good stead for many years?

At times, I think folk become too focused on the implications of Brexit and lose sight that we are joining another third country club. I think it unlikely that EU countries will erect extra fences, just to screw the Brits. More likely some EU countries with give the UK favoured country status but that will not extend to bending/breaking Schengen Rules.

Time will tell but unfortunately when it all becomes apparent it might be too late.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Suspect the official may come to meet you??

Ducking and diving and staying away from civilisation and continually looking over my shoulder?

You may be right but getting it wrong and being banished from the EU. Is that a risk worth taking?

I will try to establish the rules and abide by them. Unlimited stay in the UK and my host country and 90/180 elsewhere wouldn’t be too onerous.
Chip this year we left Sicily and visit the Egadi islands , Sardinia hopped over the Italy main land , south of France Corsica ack to sandina and now in Malta , a bit of bad luck had us hauled out in the south of France and then in Sardinia we not seen or had anything to do with any official. Nor did we last year or come to that for some years other then the marina when we enter our winter marina , this is not because we been hinting from them , we just don't go looking for them , two other boats left Sicily the same as us one had all sort of problem all because they wanted to make sure they where within the rules , at one time sorting them an extra night in a marina at €70'becuase the guy wasn't there .
The other boat did roughly what we did but in a different direction and they too had no problems , sorry to say us Bris go looking for trouble


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26 Jan 2004
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Guys I'm not agueing with you I happy for them who got residency in country's and hopefully this will allow you to move around the EU , I'm just saying not everyone want to do this and as sure as there day light a way around it for them who don't will be worked out , for years as I said non EU boat have got around it some by leaving the EU every 90 days others by other means , no good people here poo poo the way they do it just because they don't know how to work it and go on about being banned .


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Chip this year we left Sicily and visit the Egadi islands , Sardinia hopped over the Italy main land , south of France Corsica ack to sandina and now in Malta , a bit of bad luck had us hauled out in the south of France and then in Sardinia we not seen or had anything to do with any official. Nor did we last year or come to that for some years other then the marina when we enter our winter marina , this is not because we been hinting from them , we just don't go looking for them , two other boats left Sicily the same as us one had all sort of problem all because they wanted to make sure they where within the rules , at one time sorting them an extra night in a marina at €70'becuase the guy wasn't there .
The other boat did roughly what we did but in a different direction and they too had no problems , sorry to say us Bris go looking for trouble

But this was all this year, when we Brits still enjoy the status as a EU citizen.

Next and subsequent years could be a different ball game.
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Well-known member
6 Mar 2010
Ammersee, Bavaria / Adriatic & Free to roam Europe
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All this stuff written here about Brexti , I lay money come next year there going to. A way around the problem for us cruisers.
For some who enjoy walking into official offices no sooner their anchor touch the bottom maybe not

There is, hide in Malta and hope you don't get caught. What evidence is there that the UK will not join the rest of the world as a 3rd country and be subject to Schengen rules just like everyone else?

Unless Priti does a U-turn on "ending FoM once and for all" - I can't honestly see UK citizens being granted some sort of special status denied to every other country in the world.

Here's the ETIAS process in a handy graphic for anyone interested ...



Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Guys I'm not agueing with you I happy for them who got residency in country's and hopefully this will allow you to move around the EU , I'm just saying not everyone want to do this and as sure as there day light a way around it for them who don't will be worked out , for years as I said non EU boat have got around it some by leaving the EU every 90 days others by other means , no good people here poo poo the way they do it just because they don't know how to work it and go on about being banned .


We all know each other too well to get into a heated argument.

Rather rehearsing different points of view, for the benefit of third parties, who may not enjoy the same depth of knowledge.?

For example.

A Brit boat pitched up here this morning. They have been in transit, on and off for the last year and are on their way to Cartagena for the winter.

When asked they knew nothing about Schengen and all that but probably wouldn’t bother with residency because they would leave the boat occasionally for short visits on shore so none of this would apply to them.

This is not the first time we have heard this solution so I wonder just how many people out there with their heads firmly in the sand (or elsewhere).

Next year could be interesting - for some‼️
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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There is, hide in Malta and hope you don't get caught. What evidence is there that the UK will not join the rest of the world as a 3rd country and be subject to Schengen rules just like everyone else?

Unless Priti does a U-turn on "ending FoM once and for all" - I can't honestly see UK citizens being granted some sort of special status denied to every other country in the world.

Here's the ETIAS process in a handy graphic for anyone interested ...

View attachment 97807
You missed the point totally, there no hinding in Malta , Malta are not interested in passport another then to take a look at them , all they interested in is a crew list which they stamp then stamp it back out .
As what the UK will do no one know not even the most knowledgeable person here .


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24 May 2012
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Totally agree with you and nothing may change , who know people jumping up and down and no one knows the out come .


As you say nothing may change. The problem is, the window of opportunity for Brits to get residency, as citizens of the EU, closes at the end of this year and it could be far harder to get residency in the future.

Moreover, if residency get too onerous, then it can be cancelled at will.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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We all know each other too well to get into a heated argument.

Rather rehearsing different points of view, for the benefit of third parties, who may not enjoy the same depth of knowledge.?
Nothing heated other then the weather here :).
I can see we don't all do the same thing and that's fine , all I am saying , I personally think there going to be a way around this , @Baggywrinkle said he can't seen other country given special status to Brit but there already are but making the residency progress easier .


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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There is, hide in Malta and hope you don't get caught. What evidence is there that the UK will not join the rest of the world as a 3rd country and be subject to Schengen rules just like everyone else?

Unless Priti does a U-turn on "ending FoM once and for all" - I can't honestly see UK citizens being granted some sort of special status denied to every other country in the world.

Here's the ETIAS process in a handy graphic for anyone interested ...

View attachment 97807

Bags, Thanks, very useful.

Makes a strong case for EU residency.