Sailing to the EU


Well-known member
31 Jan 2008
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Is there a single, up-to- date, dependable, definitive source/checklist that covers all the procedures/details/equipment etc that have to be followed when sailing to the EU from the U.K. & staying for less than 30 days?


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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I don't know if there's a list somewhere but for short visits, have only been asked for registration, passport and insurance. Unless basing the boat in EU, country of registration dictates safety equipment to be carried, in most cases just a couple of items under SOLAS regs.


Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
Always used to be registration, passport and insurance for France. I would have thought that we now have to add 1331 to the documentation list.
Procedures have certainly changed and have been well aired on this forum!
Equipment stays as was for UK flagged boats. Red in cans is a definite no-no.
As for a single, up-to- date, dependable, definitive source, I would have thought that the CA would be the best bet, I'm not sure if the RYA have got their act together yet 🙄


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
France Sandy.
From my experience as long as you had:
  • SSR;
  • Insurance;
  • Passports;
  • Logged out of the UK via Tell Border Force and HMRC you are sailing to or from the UK in a pleasure craft ;
  • Arrived at a port of entry and had your passport stamped;
  • In date pyrotechnics, if carried;
  • Ships Radio Licence;
  • Somebody with a VHF Licence; and
  • Beer/Wine tokens - it might be worth looking at the new limits on bringing goods back to the UK. That extra bottle of 'Campbell's or Rough Collie' whisky in the bilge is not worth it, and they taste almost a bad as the Breton stuff.
Then you were good to go.

Don't forget to get your passport stamped before you exit France and log back into the UK via Tell Border Force and HMRC you are sailing to or from the UK in a pleasure craft before you depart.

Always found the French Border officials polite, efficient and spoke excellent English.


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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Is there a single, up-to- date, dependable, definitive source/checklist that covers all the procedures/details/equipment etc that have to be followed when sailing to the EU from the U.K. & staying for less than 30 days?
No, because each state within the Union is free to implement the rules whichever way they wish and all have different safety rules.

Always used to be registration, passport and insurance for France. I would have thought that we now have to add 1331 to the documentation list.
1331 has been replaced by a website.

The procedure at the moment is check out of the UK using web form. Sail to a port of entry or one of the few ports that otherwise allow entry then get passport stamped, paperwork, insurance, funds checked. Sail around France for a bit. Sail back to a port of entry or the other port you used. Check out and get passport stamped. Get permission to bring any non UK/Irish crew back. Sail back to UK. Check back in to the UK. Wait until you're told you can leave the boat.

Later this year, ETIAS pre-clearance and the Biometric checks roll out and passport stamps cease. This will probably reduce the number of places you can arrive at in the EU.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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If it is Belgium then there are forms to email BEFORE you depart UK that have to be aproved by Belgian authorities. They email you back when they receive them. -They were then repeated before we went to get passport stamped on exit. At least, that is what happened last year
I thought that France was the same . You could not just roll up unannounced.-


Well-known member
13 Aug 2010
Bristol / Cornwall
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Anyone know the email address of the Brest Bureau to send a preavis to. 2 hours on google and I can get nowhere

Probably will go via Roscoff but useful to have back up plan, and return via Brest might be handy so need there office phone and address. I can get Customs but not Border


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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I know its a different scenario .... but here goes ...

I was flying back to Latvia from Dubai via Hamburg.
At Hamburg - there was confusion as to how I would connect to Latvia flight ... sign for Connecting flights led to a security check but no Passport Point for entry to EU.
First they said I would have to go back to EXIT and then check in again to re-enter departure ... but guy noticed my walking stick and that I was walking with some signs of 'injury' (I am still recovering from spine surgery) .... so he told me to wait and a Border Control Police came to open a gate for me ... she took my passport (later non EU British) and stamped it for entry to EU.
I smiled and mentioned that I was a permanent resident of Latvia ... she then apologised and told me to ignore it ... if anyone later questioned why no exit stamp - show the Latvian Residence Card.

Just thought to mention ....

OK back to actual topic ... I am CA HLR (Local Rep) for Latvian West Coast .... I can confirm that CA has all the latest data on entry and they ask all HLR's around the world and members who visit - to update CA with any changes etc.
Presently in actual practical terms in the Ports of Latvia I cover ... Immigration are very relaxed and only want to see Registration and Licence ..... so far I have not seen any requests for VHF .... Flares ..... safety equipment etc. As far as I can tell - they regard those items as Flag based and not their concern.
In fact the major point they make .... must fly Latvian courtesy flag.

Seven Spades

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30 Aug 2003
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The problem with spcr against the c1331 is you cannot compleate it without a passport. As a matter of law no passport is requyired for travel to the CTA. I strongly object to mission creep, they are trying to stop the CTA by the back door so i always use the c1331 and email it in.

Wandering Star

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8 Feb 2009
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Can I ask here whether the VHF license is actually a requirement & checked by whomever. And, showing my ignorance, are we talking about the ships radio license or the operators license?


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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There is no legal requirement to have either on a UK boat although you cannot use the VHF legally without a licence except in an emergency. Now there is no fee to pay there are no checks in the uK. Abroad it varies and generally speaking the list in post#6 is correct, but actual checking of VHF licences is not common, although it makes sense to have them. The most important thing now is checking people in and out and registration document for the boat. Marinas may also ask to see insurance. Some countries - Greece for example, insurance is compulsory for all and checked but even if not legally compulsory is expected. Insurers issue certificates and policies that meet the requirements of the countrie you are visiting, translated if required.


New member
11 Jun 2015
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Is there a single, up-to- date, dependable, definitive source/checklist that covers all the procedures/details/equipment etc that have to be followed when sailing to the EU from the U.K. & staying for less than 30 days?
Just a note on a Reid visit to Calais in July..The Police Rrontieres were quie unhelpful..
Easy to catch the bus to the Ferry Terminal to check in on arrival..Notso good Leaving