Sailing to Ostend - Forms and Formalities


Well-known member
12 Sep 2016
Here's some info on how easy it is to deal with the red tape required to visit Ostend from the UK by private boat.

This is all from first hand experience of a trip I did in April 2023, so if you've found this from an internet search in 2028 things might be different.

Leaving the UK
1. Log into the the Border Force / HMRC website and create a voyage plan. Luckily this can be done in advance and saved as a draft, and then adjusted / submitted when you leave.
Tell Border Force and HMRC you are sailing to or from the UK in a pleasure craft
2. Click the Submit button, you will get an email confirmation.
3. Leave your berth and head to Belgium.

Arriving in Ostend.
I moored up at the RNSYC. Royal North Sea Yacht Club Oostende - Serious sailing, maximum fun !
If you do the same and the harbour master is not in the office, you can either call the Harbour Master ( + 32 474 68 82 78 ) for the info, or walk up to his office to the left of the main entrance and there is a QR code on the window. Point the camera on your phone at this, tap it and it will take you an online form where you can enter all your info and pay for your stay.
If you stay elsewhere I can't give you any info, but there is plenty online.

Fill in online 'Pleasure Craft Declaration Form’ and submit, you will get an email confirmation.
Pleasure Craft Declaration
* Note UN Locator code is GBR
* You can type gbr into all the country / nationality drop downs to select, which speeds up form entry.

Once you have submitted the form, walk to the port police which takes approximately 10 mins. It is just to the left of the train station, see the photo below. They are open 24 hours a day.
BTW. If you search police in Google Maps, it doesn't show up unless you enter the full address, Natiënkaai 5, 8400 Oostende, Belgium

Directions to Border Police.png

Border Police Location.png

Ring the Border Control number on the Door ( +32 59 56 15 30 ), explain you have arrived by private yacht and need a passport stamp and that you are outside, they will come and open the door.
Enjoy your stay.
Leaving and heading back to the UK

Fill in another Belgian 'Pleasure Craft Declaration Form’ for your departure and submit.
Go and get passports stamped
Fill in UK E1331 for entry into the UK,
** there is an option to create a return journey from you outbound one. Submit the form.

That's it, there is no longer any need to call national yacht line on the way back in if you used the online form.
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John 32i

Active member
5 Jul 2011
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Thanks for the invaluable information David - I saw from another thread that you crossed single handed - how was that?
I may do similar later in the year so very interested in your thoughts given we probably have similar experience and aspirations…!


Well-known member
12 Sep 2016
I went in 01 August 2023. I was advised by Ostend officials that the pleasure craft declaration form had to be completed Prior to arrival. This I did at Ramsgate & it was then acknowledged by email. The rest of our club cruise arrived circa 21 August prior to leaving for the Dutch canals & had to do the same
ie submit the pleasure craft form prior to leaving Bradwell They than received acknowledgement by email
We all phoned yachline on return. & were instructed to lower Q flags which made us laugh as none of us had hoisted it. I had returned direct from Ostend . The others via Ramsgate.
I did have contact from border force prior to departure as uk border force wanted to know which "bradwell" i was based as I had not entered the code but typed "bradwell" only.They did tell me NOT TO FORGET TO REPORT ON RETURN which is different to #1 above
Presumably all these things depends who one speaks to.
5 boats from our club are booked to go again for the spring BH at the end of May & the Voore Anchor in June so we will see if there is any change.
I presume you mean 01 August 2022 and you're not a time traveller?

Last year it was required to call yachtline even if using the online reporting tool, I asked Border Force about this at an event in December and they told me that it was no longer necessary if you filled in the online form. I also found this on the main website as well, but I'm struggling to find it now. If I manage to find it I'll post a link here. I did check this before posting and I wished I'd bookmarked the link.

The Belgian Border Police weren't concerned about when I'd submitted the form, just that I had done it, as they use that as a reference.

Edit: I found the reference:
Sailing a pleasure craft that is arriving in the UK

If you are using sPCR or The Pleasure Craft Report (sPCR) Fallback template (e-C1331), you can submit responses to most questions required by using these systems and you will not need to contact the National Yachtline to advise that you have arrived in the UK.

Note that there are exceptions to this, for example if you have anyone on board that requires immigration clearance. As usual it is up to the individual to make sure they comply with all regs. I can only share my experience.
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Well-known member
12 Sep 2016
Thanks for the invaluable information David - I saw from another thread that you crossed single handed - how was that?
I may do similar later in the year so very interested in your thoughts given we probably have similar experience and aspirations…!

Hi John, I'm happy to have a chat off Forum. Sent you a PM

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Apologies . I did mean 2022 & yes I have mixed the dates. I have deleted my post to avoid confusion
But I have had too many run ins with the officials at Ostend (including arrest) over my 78 visits to date, to risk any further mistakes.
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Well-known member
16 Dec 2003
Medway, Gillingham Reach
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The Border Force Form C1331 can be used with snail mail as well. I prefer this and tend to post on the day of departure and then send in the returning one from the area where I moor which can be some days after I initially arrive back in teh UK.

If you fail to complete your voyage, that is not visit the foreign country you notified to Border Force you send in the returning document marked clearly 'Voyage Abandond'. I had to do this last year when I was swamped mid Atlantic on the way to the US and lost all my electrics. I did ring BorderForce (Yachtline) from Newlyn but didn't submit the C1331 (Abandoned Yoyage) returning bit until 2 weeks later when I actually arrived home. The pre-prepared C1331 for returning was hopelessly wet and unreadable so I had to download another form and send that in,

I think I much prefer the Passport control people in both the Azores and the Nederlands as they come to you and you don't have to find some out of the way building. A number of our club members went to France last year and suffered an expensive taxi ride to check in at Dunkerque.


Well-known member
12 Sep 2016
The Border Force Form C1331 can be used with snail mail as well. I prefer this and tend to post on the day of departure and then send in the returning one from the area where I moor which can be some days after I initially arrive back in teh UK.

If you fail to complete your voyage, that is not visit the foreign country you notified to Border Force you send in the returning document marked clearly 'Voyage Abandond'. I had to do this last year when I was swamped mid Atlantic on the way to the US and lost all my electrics. I did ring BorderForce (Yachtline) from Newlyn but didn't submit the C1331 (Abandoned Yoyage) returning bit until 2 weeks later when I actually arrived home. The pre-prepared C1331 for returning was hopelessly wet and unreadable so I had to download another form and send that in,

I think I much prefer the Passport control people in both the Azores and the Nederlands as they come to you and you don't have to find some out of the way building. A number of our club members went to France last year and suffered an expensive taxi ride to check in at Dunkerque.

You can do everything you mention and more with the C1331 by using the online reporting system.
Yes, the Border Police also come to the marina in Cherbourg, but I'm specifically talking about my experiences in Ostend, which was easy. I've edited my post to reflect that the border police are open 24 hours, and they couldn't be more friendly or courteous.
I don't personally call a 10 minute walk out of the way, but YMMV, however you could also choose to lock into Mercator marina which is right next door to the Border Police office.
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Well-known member
15 Feb 2005
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worth mentioning that the marina staff only pointed us at the location of the police / stamp-in office when asked. If we hadn't said anything they would have taken our money and wished us a happy stay with no encouragement to stamp in


New member
23 Feb 2025
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Here's some info on how easy it is to deal with the red tape required to visit Ostend from the UK by private boat.

This is all from first hand experience of a trip I did in April 2023, so if you've found this from an internet search in 2028 things might be different.

Leaving the UK
1. Log into the the Border Force / HMRC website and create a voyage plan. Luckily this can be done in advance and saved as a draft, and then adjusted / submitted when you leave.
Tell Border Force and HMRC you are sailing to or from the UK in a pleasure craft
2. Click the Submit button, you will get an email confirmation.
3. Leave your berth and head to Belgium.

Arriving in Ostend.
I moored up at the RNSYC. Royal North Sea Yacht Club Oostende - Serious sailing, maximum fun !
If you do the same and the harbour master is not in the office, you can either call the Harbour Master ( + 32 474 68 82 78 ) for the info, or walk up to his office to the left of the main entrance and there is a QR code on the window. Point the camera on your phone at this, tap it and it will take you an online form where you can enter all your info and pay for your stay.
If you stay elsewhere I can't give you any info, but there is plenty online.

Fill in online 'Pleasure Craft Declaration Form’ and submit, you will get an email confirmation.
Pleasure Craft Declaration
* Note UN Locator code is GBR
* You can type gbr into all the country / nationality drop downs to select, which speeds up form entry.

Once you have submitted the form, walk to the port police which takes approximately 10 mins. It is just to the left of the train station, see the photo below. They are open 24 hours a day.
BTW. If you search police in Google Maps, it doesn't show up unless you enter the full address, Natiënkaai 5, 8400 Oostende, Belgium

View attachment 154807

View attachment 154808

Ring the Border Control number on the Door ( +32 59 56 15 30 ), explain you have arrived by private yacht and need a passport stamp and that you are outside, they will come and open the door.
Enjoy your stay.
Leaving and heading back to the UK

Fill in another Belgian 'Pleasure Craft Declaration Form’ for your departure and submit.
Go and get passports stamped
Fill in UK E1331 for entry into the UK,
** there is an option to create a return journey from you outbound one. Submit the form.

That's it, there is no longer any need to call national yacht line on the way back in if you used the online form.
Just wanted to say thanks for the above info. I did this trip last weekend (arrived 15 Feb 2025), and your info was spot on. I submitted the Belgian immigration declaration before leaving the UK.

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