Sailing from Greece to Italy - what are the formalities?


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7 Jun 2001
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I'm a British citizen resident in Greece, with a UK registered yacht which has kept in Greece for many years, and has been "considered VAT paid" in the UK.

I am planning a sail to Italy later in May, cruising Italy for about a month before returning. I thought that's no problem, no special formalities, it's all Schengen, just go. But today's RYA newsletter, "Cruising Abroad in 2022" has rather put the wind up me. Do I need to pre-notify Italian customs of my intention? Must I arrive at a designated entry port (I hadn't planned to)? Do I need to see immigration on arrival? I've done none of these things when visiting Italy by UK registered car nor have they seemed expected.

Is sailing different? Does anyone have similar recent experience ?


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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If your boat has been in Greece for many years, then you've lost the UK VAT paid status - that depended on its location on B (word we're not allowed to mention) day.

Presumably you plan on entering and exiting Schengen at a Greek airport? Do you have Greek residency?


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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It would be as well to have evidence that your boat was in Greece on 31/12/20 as that means it has EU VAT status and free circulation. However you may find some confusion as the new rules bed down. If the boat was UK VAT paid (being ih the UK on the date) then it would enter the EU under temporary importation with a limit of 18 months. States vary how they monitor this but Italy has a system that starts when you check in. What may happen is your UK flag may trigger customs to treat you as a UK boat hence the need to have the evidence that it is not. You should however check whether your Greek residence exempts you from Schengen rules - suspect not so you will have to check in and get your passport stamped to start the clock running.