I am new to sailing and have noticed that nearly all the boats at our local sailing club have numbers on the sails. What is this for and what does it mean?
An Interesting question to which the learned forum members will no doubt respond fully. I once had a boat which was 25 feet long and it was the 25th made and so the number 25 also went on the sail. The person who bought the boat from new thought it a coincidence and so he called the boat coincidence. Maybe then the numbers are there to trigger thought processes whilst one is sat back gazing idly upwards. This, you may agree is very good of the person who first thought to put a number up there - perhaps a full colour digital image of a vase of sweet williams or of a bowl of succulent fruit might have been more stimulating - but then again it may have proved a distraction to other sailors who seeing a bunch of jaffas up there might have protested one under rule 26.
I do hope this helps and that you are enjoying your new sport. The forum is such a helpful place at times - one finds.
It is a number arrived at by the International Bulgarian Rule formula, as follows:
(L + W)
-------- x S
P + C
where L is Length overall, W is length at the Waterline, P is the average number of profanities per weekend jaunt, C the lat/long position of the vessel's regular mooring, correct to three decimal places, and S the approximate number of Spiders (or other insects) permanently resident aboard. Visiting wasps don't count, and inclusion into this formulae may result in disqualification from racing.
These boats are for hire (charter we call it). When the money deposited with the hirer is about to run out he or she gets on the radio and calls "Come in number GBR3345, your time is up."
There are a whole range of numbers which might be on your sail.
At its simplest if will be the symbol of the builder and/or model plus the serial number of the boat itself.
It may be an official national number (usually, but not always for racing pusposes) which is issued by the RYA and preceded by the letters GBR. A number preceded by K is an old British national number. A number preceded by the symbol Omega is an old JOG (Junior Offshore Group) racing number. A K number followed by a T is, I believe, a cruising derivitive of the old K numbers, but someone will, I am sure, correct me on this.
You will also come across a range of foreign numbers including GDR for Germany, FRA for France, ITA for italy NED for Holland etc.