
Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Shoes !

"Keep right on ranting, it keeps me reassured that there is at least one other sane person out there"

I think I lost the sane bit some time back. I am just so *****y fed up with the incredible waste of government, taxes based on envy, some ridiculous selfish raggies and the pretence that the government runs the country .... my opinion of that lot has never been lower.

Any reasonable businessman could do a job thousands of time better that a governement of any party.

My local MP has not even responded to my fax and emails on the diesel issue.

I just vote for the least harmful of them .....

I have now become just as touchy about those raggies that rub their hands at the thought of £5 per gallon marine diesel ..... if this tax is applied then frankly it will be based on perception rather than logic.

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


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14 May 2004
Yep. you are absolutely right aand a point I had missed - the implications are far reaching - it's the ripple theory (or in our governments case I think it is the chaos theory).
I have just installed a new diesel heater too, so not only will I be paying road fuel tax for runnig the boat on the water, I'll also be paying road fuel tax to stay at home in the warm working out how much extra this is all costing me !

<hr width=100% size=1>Tony


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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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In defense of RYA

I have just been on to the RYA website www.rya.org.uk and see that their coverage of the Red Diesel campaign is now receiving some prominence. They also have a link to enable you to email your MP. Every bit helps.

One of my complaints of the RYA and Motor Boats has been for sometime that they are not good at blowing their own trumpet. I believe they are beavering away on our behalf and the information on the website is all good stuff. Perhaps the motor boating press could give them a little more coverage. It sounds as though this may be in hand from some of Tom Issett's comments here.

I am well aware of the views of some of those on the motor boating forum but do ensure that you look at the RYA website before being too scathing. They do put a lot of effort in on our behalf. They just don't ram it down our throats!!

<hr width=100% size=1>


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14 Mar 2002
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Re: In defense of RYA

suppose there isnt any possibility that you are wrong about red diesel, and in fact it makes perfect sense for it to be taxed as though it wasnt for commercial use? In all the pages i ve read on this-and many of them have the reasoning of an upset 7 year old- the over riding concern is money. And unfortunately, probably quite alot of money. Now if the rise in tax meant an increase in 1p, no one would be frothing at the mouth.So its not the taxation per se that upsets, its the AMOUNT of the taxation. And the only reason the amount of a possible increase is so large is because in the UK boaters have not had Gvmts' massive indirect/stealth taxes put on their boat use.YYet. Buy an EU flight and its now more in tax that you pay the airline. Fill up your car and BP hardly see any of the bill. The entire population has had to absorb these ever increasing costs. Only boaters shouldnt have to. Apparently. By all means, keep fighting.. but just dont expect anyone without a boat to believe there is a justifiable reason.

<hr width=100% size=1>


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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Re: In defense of RYA

Having read the detail on the RYA website it appears a well reasoned, albeit consolidated, argument.

I am also of the opinion that a large chunk of the "road diesel" price is a tax that is meant to be for use of the roads and restoration of same. How does that equate with use of the sea? Are we going to resurface the Solent or perhaps a Chichester bypass?

<hr width=100% size=1>


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: In defense of RYA

You are right it is the amount that is critical.
However your case seems to be based on a simple acceptance - others have been taxed to the hilt so why not boaters seems to sum it up.
Besides the fact that many boaters already pay huge amounts in petrol tax and indeed in the cost of boat purchase you could apply the same simplistic argument to anything, so if a golf ball tax was introduced so that the balls cost £15 each then you would simply argue well golfers have got away with it up until now so its about time that the got it in the neck and do not excpect us non golfer to protect them!!

Boaters are motorists and are big tax payers in many areas they motorist is not a disntict species. ... in fact some of us are tax payers, motorists, smokers and golfers all in one neat package.

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


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23 Jan 2005
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Re: In defense of RYA


You’ll never get the job done without the Yachties
Start being nice to them.


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23 Jan 2005
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Re: In defense of RYA


I must come in again to apologise about the rong spelling of your username
(a senior moment) no disrespect intended.
As for my other comment, Everyone knows there has always been ribbing between the ragbaggers and the stink pot owners.
We have a couple of years till the RYA goes back to the EU to put the case for cheap fuel, during that time I would suggest a truce on the forums so we can put the case as boaters, after all it is going to effect us all one way or another.
Having lost the advantage of cheap fuel the marinas in this country could lose a lot of power boats to Spanish marinas that are cheaper to moor at and only 2 hours away with budget airlines. The Yachting Community might say that will release pontoon berths, well it will but marina owners are not going to let them for any less than they were getting from the Power Boat Owner that just moved out, even if you’re smaller.
Also everyone assumes that the diesel with the new tax imposed will cost the same as road fuel.
Not so.
The marina owners will have to carry fuel costing 4 times as much, hitting their cash flow and giving them security problems, Its realistic to assume £5 per gallon at today’s prices maybe more. Don’t forget they are not tied to a fixed price.
It’s bad news for the whole boating community not just Power Boat Owners.
We have to stick together.


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27 Mar 2005
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what the raggies forget is is they may clear the sea of many mobos but they to to will pay more for there use of the sea by way of the fact if many mobos give up the the prices of things that both parties use such as marine electronics and genaral things like rope bilge pumps anchors so on so fourth will se a decrease in demand so therefore a rise in price so they should join forces with us

Phoenix of Hamble

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28 Aug 2003
East Coast
I think its sad that even this debate has to be dragged back to Raggies vs Mobos.

FWIW, I think that Uncle Albert above is right.... and Dave, I agree with your sentiments, but the confrontational tone won't IMHO win you support from the Raggies...

Personally I love the ecclectic mix of what ends up in a marina, new, old, fast, slow, wind powered, diesel powered... and I hope that all of them can continue using the wonderful natural gift, the sea, with an absolute minimum of regulation and taxation. And as friends.


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27 Mar 2005
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Sorry chaps i didnt mean it to be anti raggies at all we all share alove of the sea i was just pointing out that we all stand to lose out it will cost us all if we all stand together with the backing of the marine industry we have a voice that may be heard so please do not take offence