Ahh - but Jimi, we all know that your own interpretation of Colregs is, to say the least, idiosyncratic
Since the RYA Yachtmaster shorebased course notes are not generally regarded as essential reading for sailors, nor yet required by SOLAS (I think) - you will have to tell us a little more....
Diagram illustrating the windward boat give way rule, in fact depicts an overtaking situation ... and was in fact the inspiration for my previous loud mouthed harridan post, she'd probably read this and based her Coll Regs on it!! /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
But you can't tell from a single picture whether overtaking rule applies. Just because the boats are now in such a situation that the leaward boat is in the overtaking sector does not make it necessarily an overtaking boat.
Valid point, but in the picture in question the arrow indicates that a boat clearly in the overtaking sector should give way. Hopefully they will have now sorted it out.
What is an interesting question is at what point do responsibilities crystallise?
Jimi sounds a nice sailing family man with a fine boat. Why then does he subscribe to what can only be described as yobbish language. (in this post and others). There was no need to write 'RYA incompetence'. Instead what might have been said was something like 'There appears to be an error inadvertant or otherwise on page.......'
What's more, I've now found a copy of the offending page, and there is nothing wrong with it. Perhaps Jimi is just trying to wind people up, or perhaps he genuinely doesn't understand Colregs.
Would suggest that:
a) you have'nt got a copy of what I've got. ISBN 0 901501 33 6
b) You do'nt understand CR
in the diagram the red boat in the overtaking sector has the dotted arrow going behind the other boat. In fact the course of action is correct as it is the overtaking boat but not for what its trying to illustrate which is the relative responsibilites of crossing boats on the same tack.
In a publication which is purporting to explain this to the unitiated it is misleading and could in certain circumstances lead to people not clearly understanding their obligations.
I have had often encountered this confusion not only in some of the responses to the previous post and beleive that illustrative teaching material should be totally without ambiguity.
If you've got it in front of you draw a line through the middle of the black boat fore and aft, then do one through the middle of the red boat, the angle between them is 29 degrees. Do you dispute this fact? Now I do accept that the perspective does change the angle depicted, but only to a maximum of 45 degrees which is still well within the 67.5 deg.
I looking at the Overtaking diagram I cannot see how the picture depicts Overtaking when the 2 boats in question are on courses bisecting each other at what appears to be pretty much a right angle...??
Re the Same Tack diagram.. due to the angle at which the diagram depicts the 2 boats I think it is very unclear whether the Windward boat is in the Overtaking Sector .. how do you deduce from a diagram which boat is moving faster??
Ohhh and jus because I live here Super Caley go Ballistic / are fantastic ...
(a) The angle of convergence is not important - what matters is the relative bearing of the boats. You should be measuring the angle between the fore-aft line of one boat, and the other boat, not the angle between the two water tracks. The picture shows two boats that are roughly abeam.
(b) Even if one boat were in the overtaking sector, it does not matter, the definition of overtaking vessel depends on how they got to that position.
read my previous note.Lines drawn down the middle of a boat IMHO represent the fore and aft heading. Any other factor is irrelevant as the diag is trying to simplistically illustrate what happens in a same tack situation. The fact that it does that by shoving the boat in the middle of the overtaking sector is not terribly helpful to those trying to understand basic responsibilities.