Captain Coochie
Active member
I wont waste my time googling . I have no time for rude people no matter who they are.
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(I'll get stick for that lot)
Unfortunatly I was laid low with some sort of bug, so cannot comment
on the meeting.
Whilst there is no excuss for rudeness, flustration must play a part, as every year the boater seems to be saddled with some action or other by the E.A.
Maybe but this was a meeting where the EA ( while still at work ) and the public / elected members supporting a group ( working ) discussed matters . Not a football match !
If you cannot control yourself while being the voice of your members and dont know how to conduct yourself in public meetings then dont attend .
While i do not attend such meetings i do attend them in my working life and also attend meetings where i am the voice of the company employing me .
The only way to attend a meeting is to be respectfull and professional .
Ah, that nice Mr Hislop. Nearly knocked him over when I was rushing for a taxi at Waterloo station early last month. Just think, if I had done that little snippet you've found might never have been publishedForumites may be interested to note that the Enviroment Agency's decision to rent out the vacant lock houses has appeared on page 38 of the October 28 2011 issue of Private Eye under the headline "Utterly wet".
"Whilst one must look to the future, it would seem that E.A. managements in the past were more experienced, and less inventive in reducing services."
oldgit;3205996 More time said:more boaters [/B]?
At the RUG meeting it was suggested that they are stuck between a rock and a hard place - a view with which I have considerable sympathy.Money is running over the weirs faster than the water and, rather than worrying about flood risks we should be concentrating on the real issue .....funding.[/QUOTE]
Apart from attempts to increase income from other sources, it seems to me that any government is unlikely to put more money into navigations unless they can see a return in terms of the public perspective of the River.
To my mind there needs to be a large increase in boat traffic which will increase the awareness of the River as a place to visit and use - that in turn will bring income into waterside businesses and so on.
Must stop expanding the argument before folks fall asleep reading it.
"We are all pretty vigilant for that sort of thing. First sign of an untoward lean ( ie. not just lots of fatties on one side ) and we'll drop the sluices and start to flood it from the other end if practical."
The professional staff maybe, but not all the volunteers.
"Volunteers have got to start somewhere."
I suppose I'm a bit over protective of my boat (we've had it since 1956), but when a volunteer was about to do it serious damage & I had to shout at him to lower the sluices (he was lost in conversation with the support people for the comedian doing the river swim & was profusely apologetic afterwards) I'd rather they either use professional EA staff or have it on public operation.