Riva portofino - Take 2


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24 Jun 2001
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Just been to look at the boat and yes we have fallen in love with all 47 ft of it. Everything seems to be in order, Lloyds Registered, VAT paid, papers all seem to be in order and full survey 18 months ago. Thanks to all who replied to my last message.

Few more questions though - what do we do now? - how do we get it back to England? trailer to Northern France then motor across? (any idea on cost?) by Sea or up the canal? Would you get another survey done bearing in mind the last survey was only 18 months ago. How low below the asking price would you offer?

The weather is lovely in the MED this time of year!!!!!



New member
27 Jan 2003
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where is she in the med? If surveyed 18 months ago should be ok cant say what you'd ask below the price depends on how attractively shes priced at the moment.
If you want to being her back to England say Brighton, then I can help with a skipper, who often takes owners and boats out to the med or visa versa. Last one was a Fairline 50 from Brighton as it happpens to Spain.

Deleted User YDKXO

By truck to Le Havre (from where you can sail her across the Channel yourself) should cost £8 -10k, I reckon, maybe a bit less if you're not fussed about timing and can wait for a return load. By canal is not an option because the boat is probably too high and it takes 3 weeks anyway. By sea is the other option but it will still cost several thousand pounds in fuel and crew costs and will put more than 100 hrs on the engines. Truck is the favoured option unless you've got the time to sail her back yourself
To answer your other questions
1. Offer 15% under the asking price but maybe 20% under if she's been on the market more than 6 months. You'll probably have to settle for 10-15% under the asking price unless the owner is not keen to sell. Your offer is always subject to seatrial, survey and contract
2. Get another survey done by a reputable UK surveyor. You dont know what's happened in 18 months use and you dont know the surveyor who did the survey
3. Get an engine inspection done or at least have a knowledgable person accompany you on the seatrial
4. If this boat is being sold through a French broker, IMHO you should deal through a local lawyor (there are some who are familiar with boat purchases) who will advise you on the acceptability of the contract and, importantly, hold any of your money in escrow rather than you giving it to a broker you know nothing about. If the boat is French registered there will be a document called I think Acte de Francisation (or similar) which is a sort of title document which needs to be changed to reflect your purchase
5. If the survey throws up any major problems (feel free to post on the Forum about this) either walk away from the boat, insist the owner repairs them at his cost or negotiate a reduced price

Bon chance!