No the boom roller sail had no reefing points and was fully battened , I purchased a good used sail to go with the slab reefing boom . I have the intention of taking the boom roller sail to a local sailmaker to see if it is economical to have it modified as it is a nice crisp sail in very good condition . The cut of sails is different the roller one is a lot flatter and have noticed that the slab sail has more shape and seems to push the boat along quicker by up to a knot . Had over 6.5 knots on a reef in 18 k winds . Have found the conversion back worthwhile as it is so much easier to raise and lower the main , the in boom roller was always sticking and jamming up and had to be dead head to wind to have any chance .Just got fed up with the stress with crew (wife) .Adrian 62 out of interest did your boom rolling sail already have reefing points or are you putting them in yourself? I ask as I am look at doing something similar to my Halmatic 30 but I am concerned if the mainsail cut is different for a roller boom compared to slab reefing it will make sail failure more likely.