RGR clarification please


26 May 2003
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If I may ask how?
Say I brought Quiddle boat privately in the UK and he give me his documents and prove to say the boat was in the EU 2020 ,
I then sailed it over to Spain within three years I can return and claim RGR .

Now say I sold it a year in a later in Spain ,passing over the Document Quiddle given me who going to know the boat lost its EU vat status?
The boat could had been sold to me in the EU where it would had kept its EU vat status .

Unless there some paper trail ie sold through a brokers or when registering
the boat as a new owner is asked the question in what country did you buy the boat , which does not happen at the moment at less .

To add to that are boats going to keep claiming RGR every time they leave the UK and return .
If thats the case HMRC are in for a real problem the amount of boats that cross the channel throughout the summer months each year,
Or is just informing custom by calling the yachtline enough .
Not sure of all the issues you raise but my berthing receipts are in my name so of limited use to future owners.
Returning to UK requires Yachtline call plus submission of Form C1331 and CA strongly advise positive acknowledgement from HMRC on RGR status.
When it comes to the crunch is it not the case that a judge will rule on whether a boat was where the owner claims on the balance of probabilities? There has to be a limit to how much evidence HMRC can demand whilst not providing any evidence to the contrary themselves.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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I doubts many have the resources to take HMRC to court or if they did , if it would be worth the stress .
HMRC has the upper hand , they will ask you to prove .
If you can't satisfy them they just demand payment , if you dont pay , Interested is added all the time the stress levels goes up.

Quiddle please for give me for using you as an example in my other post.
I know the CA suggested getting prove of berthing contract where the boat was kept,
I did see a copy what a CA member shown me,
I wasn't at all happy that would be enough to prove any thing other then I had a contract which I paid for,
I ask our my marina for a letter given my HIN number and SSR number and stating that the boat was in it berth at the end of Dec 2020 ,
Not long after that I was told by others Brits asked for the same.

When the time comes to sell I will be passing them on to the new owner , it may not have his name on it but it will have the HIN number, he also have the contract and payment which will corresponde to the name on the bill of sale .

If as you suggested any paper trail that as you name on isn't any use to the next owner as prove of VAT in any said country , God help us all when the time comes to sell.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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although this part dont effect me personlly ,
I have to wonder all the home boat owners who taken no interest in the new rules,( very few read stuff posted )
What will happen when they are stopping cruising along the east/South Coast and ask for prove VAT has been paid in the UK and possibly where the boat was Dec 2020.