I've got a bit fed up with all the jibes and comments on here, about my breakdowns, and repairs.
Well, I've never been rescued. And before you say it. The rescue in Plymouth harbour, by the nice police men dont count, cos I was all on my own and feeling lonely. Anyway, I didn't want to drop the anchor in all the shit down there. So just thought they could come along and make them selves usefull.
But I once rescued another boat.
We were off the South coast of Ireland about twenty five miles West of Dunmore East. When a mayday message comes over the radio. I looked at the chart and found he was about twenty miles in front of me. So being helpfull, told the coast guards that I could be there in just over an hour. It's Ok they say, the life boat from Dunmore East are on there way. So next, Over the radio comes." It's ok we've started the engines, dont need rescueing". So life boat turns round. Now this happened about three times, with life boat turning around and around. Eventualy I'm at about the spot where the trouble was. It was a bit rainy and the sea a bit rough, so puts on radar to look for the boat in trouble Cant see anything, so gets on the blower to him. Back comes the message. There under the cliff face. ( They've drifted there when both engines conked again. Just as I managed to see them, there back on the radio. "engines started we are coming out." So they appear close by, and stop again. I'm on the radio asking if they want a tow and circling round them, no answer for ages. Finally they give in and ask for a tow.
So off we go, the five miles to Dunmore East. Now it transpires that their having a carnival at Dunmore and the life boat was involved in it.
Entering the harbour, the life boat comes on the radio. " We'll take over from here". Bugger off I thinks, allthough cant remember what I said. You just want the bloody glory of bringing him to the jetty. Anyway we gets the guy moored up.
It's a new self fit out, 40ft'ish fly bridge boat. On sea trials at the time. They'd fed both engines off one pipe and the pipe had broke, draining 100 gallon of diesel down the bilge, and air locking both engines every minute.
Anyway just thought I'd post this as a sort of. Other side of the coin.
Well, I've never been rescued. And before you say it. The rescue in Plymouth harbour, by the nice police men dont count, cos I was all on my own and feeling lonely. Anyway, I didn't want to drop the anchor in all the shit down there. So just thought they could come along and make them selves usefull.
But I once rescued another boat.
We were off the South coast of Ireland about twenty five miles West of Dunmore East. When a mayday message comes over the radio. I looked at the chart and found he was about twenty miles in front of me. So being helpfull, told the coast guards that I could be there in just over an hour. It's Ok they say, the life boat from Dunmore East are on there way. So next, Over the radio comes." It's ok we've started the engines, dont need rescueing". So life boat turns round. Now this happened about three times, with life boat turning around and around. Eventualy I'm at about the spot where the trouble was. It was a bit rainy and the sea a bit rough, so puts on radar to look for the boat in trouble Cant see anything, so gets on the blower to him. Back comes the message. There under the cliff face. ( They've drifted there when both engines conked again. Just as I managed to see them, there back on the radio. "engines started we are coming out." So they appear close by, and stop again. I'm on the radio asking if they want a tow and circling round them, no answer for ages. Finally they give in and ask for a tow.
So off we go, the five miles to Dunmore East. Now it transpires that their having a carnival at Dunmore and the life boat was involved in it.
Entering the harbour, the life boat comes on the radio. " We'll take over from here". Bugger off I thinks, allthough cant remember what I said. You just want the bloody glory of bringing him to the jetty. Anyway we gets the guy moored up.
It's a new self fit out, 40ft'ish fly bridge boat. On sea trials at the time. They'd fed both engines off one pipe and the pipe had broke, draining 100 gallon of diesel down the bilge, and air locking both engines every minute.
Anyway just thought I'd post this as a sort of. Other side of the coin.