Reporting Departure and Arrival UK


Well-known member
1 Oct 2002
UK. South West.
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Fortunately they had the good sense to leave the old system in place. You send them a letter when you leave and phone them when you get back. Ideal.



Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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Fortunately they had the good sense to leave the old system in place. You send them a letter when you leave and phone them when you get back. Ideal.

At the Border Force/RYA club meeting this year, they said that was deprecated and would end soon.


Well-known member
30 Jul 2018
Hamble, UK
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Had the same issues yesterday. Filed online report for return into UK. Got acknowledgement that stated "You can only lower the Q flag once advised by Border Force".

In the same email it says "If you need to contact Border Force or HMRC please include the voyage plan reference number" which suggests routine contact not required.

Moored up, checked for any emails or text from them, called them on Southampton and Portsmouth contact numbers. Both went to voicemail (10pm last night).

Portsmouth kindly rang me back, said they didn't know why Southampton didn't answer. Also weren't sure whether I should have got an automatic clearance or not.

I was working on the basis I have AIS and if they were interested they would have intercepted me at some point.

The UK system isn't working as expected as there isn't clarity about whether you're cleared to lower yellow duster and go home without initiating contact with them.


Well-known member
5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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Had the same email the other week. Also noticed that it said ring them only if you have a query and that phonelines 'open' 8am to 8pm. I also have AIS and feel that if they were interested they will make contact.
I also wonder whether they underestimated the number of boats going back and forth, especially over the channel.

The idea of the system being online is good but it does need a tidy up on some of the wording. I really struggle with the French one as neither my phone or tablet can edit word or pdf documents unless I subscribe to some package.


Well-known member
5 Feb 2006
N Kent Coast
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The idea of the system being online is good but it does need a tidy up on some of the wording. I really struggle with the French one as neither my phone or tablet can edit word or pdf documents unless I subscribe to some package.
I printed some off before I went, so could fill them in on the way, photograph, then email them.


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23 Jun 2022
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We arrived back on the Cornish coast from L’Aberwrac’h last night having used the very efficient French form helpfully forwarded to Brest by the capitainerie in L’Aberwrac’h (and received the form back, duly stamped, by return email. We also completed and emailed the SPCR form to BF return to the UK. We received an emailed reply which gave no clue as to what to do to gain BF clearance but flew our Q flag anyway, and as we have AIS, assumed that anyone interested could check whether or not we had arrived in the UK. Having not received any further information or advice from BF and having read the above posts, I phoned the BF SW contact telephone number and was given clearance and permission to take down the Q flag. Why the acknowledgement email couldn’t have explained this, I really don’t know. Why a phone call is even necessary for vessels with AIS, is a mystery to me. No wonder we have issues in protecting our borders.


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18 Jan 2005
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I came back to Weymouth from Alderney in July having completed the sPcr online system but didn't fly my Q flag. I got a call whilst walking up Weymouth High Street having been to shop for food to tell me I could lower my flag. I said 'thank you'!
It's such a typical government system - not good enough!


Well-known member
30 Jul 2018
Hamble, UK
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I emailed them to suggest the present system wasn't robust nor instructions clear. They responded:

We have heard back from the business that they will investigate and contact your region Border Force. You should have received a call, text or email from BF, apologies if this did not happen.

I explained that this wasn't an isolated incident and various sailing forums (this, Facebook and the CA) had several examples of confused mariners.

If you have experienced this new system and were left uncertain of the process, would you mind adding gravity to my complaint by also emailing them with your feedback?


Well-known member
21 Jun 2004
I met a Dutchman locking out of Sovereign Harbour a couple weeks ago with his Q flag flying. Pointed this out to him and he said "I know. The form says that I must leave it up until Border Force say I can take it down. They haven't contacted me so I am leaving it up."

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Does anyone agree with me that the new online form is c..p?
When I left for Ostend 3 weeks ago I had an excel copy of e1331 all filled in. It was easy to see every item I had entered across one page and I only had to alter the date and add my son as crew
Having done so I emailed it to the address given
I then rang the number, also given, where I got a message telling me to fill in another form. I though sod that for a game of chestnuts they have the details, some jobsworth can do it themselves. My phone went flat and the pykies pulled the gpo cables for the third time in 6 weeks from our village phones, so we had no land lines either
I sailed to ostend
Today I thought that as I want to go home I would give the new form a go. Problem is that each set of questions hides the last page so if I made a mistake- passport details etc I cannot visually scan & correct it. Then I had to guess some squares to get them confirmed. It only works if you get each answer correct each time. If you get it wrong and go back you are stuffed.
In the end I rang border force & the chap said he would like the new form filled in, but the e1331 still works as a backup
I got the old excel e1331, altered the travel dates, stopped departure & arrival destinations & made up some pointless times as before, visually scanned the page to see all parts filled in ok
The whole process took a few minutes
I then emailed it & turned my phone off.
I may buy a yellow q flag one day. No point flying it in the middle of the night anyway. I cannot see it.
Last edited:


Well-known member
20 Jul 2009
North Bucks
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Reading all this makes me think .... why bother at all. I don't have AIS transmit and sailing across the Thames Estuary and up the Orwell no-one knows where I've been, and certainly I've never been asked.


Well-known member
5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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Does anyone agree with me that the new online form is c..p?
When I left for Ostend 3 weeks ago I had an excel copy of e1331 all filled in. It was easy to see every item I had entered across one page and I only had to alter the date and add my son as crew
Having done so I emailed it to the address given
I then rang the number, also given, where I got a message telling me to fill in another form. I though sod that for a game of chestnuts they have the details, some jobsworth can do it themselves. My phone went flat and the pykies pulled the gpo cables for the third time in 6 weeks from our village phones, so we had no land lines either
I sailed to ostend
Today I thought that as I want to go home I would give the new form a go. Problem is that each set of questions hides the last page so if I made a mistake- passport details etc I cannot visually scan & correct it. Then I had to guess some squares to get them confirmed. It only works if you get each answer correct each time. If you get it wrong and go back you are stuffed.
In the end I rang border force & the chap said he would like the new form filled in, but the e1331 still works as a backup
I got the old excel e1331, altered the travel dates, stopped departure & arrival destinations & made up some pointless times as before, visually scanned the page to see all parts filled in ok
The whole process took a few minutes
I then emailed it & turned my phone off.
I may buy a yellow q flag one day. No point flying it in the middle of the night anyway. I cannot see it.
I thought that the spread sheet had been superceded by the online form at Tell Border Force and HMRC you are sailing to or from the UK in a pleasure craft


Well-known member
20 Jan 2011
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Can anyone provide a definitive answer to departing and arriving from/to the UK in a yacht. I completed the online form for departure of UK the and then one for arrival back in the UK when we went to Alderney last weekend. All UK Passport holders so no complexity. The advise from Border Patrol is that you must fly a Q flag when re-entering UK territorial waters and NOT LOWER IT UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN CONTACTED BY UK BORDER FORCE.

It's now Wednesday and we haven't been contacted. Do we have to fly a Q flag permanently now? What a mess.......
Just take the Q flag down and go home.


Well-known member
6 Jun 2001
UK East Coast
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Does anyone agree with me that the new online form is c..p?
When I left for Ostend 3 weeks ago I had an excel copy of e1331 all filled in. It was easy to see every item I had entered across one page and I only had to alter the date and add my son as crew
Having done so I emailed it to the address given
I then rang the number, also given, where I got a message telling me to fill in another form. I though sod that for a game of chestnuts they have the details, some jobsworth can do it themselves. My phone went flat and the pykies pulled the gpo cables for the third time in 6 weeks from our village phones, so we had no land lines either
I sailed to ostend
Today I thought that as I want to go home I would give the new form a go. Problem is that each set of questions hides the last page so if I made a mistake- passport details etc I cannot visually scan & correct it. Then I had to guess some squares to get them confirmed. It only works if you get each answer correct each time. If you get it wrong and go back you are stuffed.
In the end I rang border force & the chap said he would like the new form filled in, but the e1331 still works as a backup
I got the old excel e1331, altered the travel dates, stopped departure & arrival destinations & made up some pointless times as before, visually scanned the page to see all parts filled in ok
The whole process took a few minutes
I then emailed it & turned my phone off.
I may buy a yellow q flag one day. No point flying it in the middle of the night anyway. I cannot see it.
The new UK online system works very well indeed.