REgistration and licensing private boats is here!


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30 May 2001
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Radio Solent reported yesterday that all PCW users in Weymouth must obtain a license from the local authority to use their craft, and produce evidence of adequate insurance cover.

Fine. Great. About time too! Those wretched PCW yobs need to be controlled, I hear you say....

BUT. Next year Weymouth plans to "require ALL powered craft to be licenced." The official did not specify the exact scope of 'all powered craft', but its here to stay, and according to him, the scheme is being watched by and will soon be taken up by 'most other coastal Local Authorities'.

Licensing of all pleasure craft is now reality and on the way for all of us, by the back door of our LA's, and not through any nationally organised and announced scheme.

Now it has started it will not stop until we are all registered and paying a fat fee for the priviledge of boat ownership.

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by oldharry on 02/07/2004 10:13 (server time).</FONT></P>


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29 Apr 2003
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Understand the seriousness of your point, but can't think what anybody outside the Weymouth area can do about it.

By the way whats a PCW? Does it stand for Poorly Controlled Waster, or something like that??

<hr width=100% size=1>It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Re: Rgistration and licensing private boats is here!

Sorry, PWC - Personal watercraft - jetski.

But this legislation is liekly to maffect us all sooner or later, knowing the way petty officials work.

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7 Dec 2002
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Re-register your boats in Belgium. How can they apply this provision to visiting boats ?

I agree with you that this is very much the thin edge of the wedge. If it is inevitable that boats will be licensed then you should try to nudge them towards the French situation where only power boats but not sailing boats require licences.

Of course once the register is in place the next step will be annual boat taxes.



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16 Dec 2002
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As far as I am aware most council run harbours and slipways which require a permit insist that minimum 3rd party insurance must be carried. I know in N wales I have to present my certificate of insurance to obtain a mooring. I have no problems with compulsary insurance, anyone who takes a boat into a busy area without it is on very bad form indeed.

Why can't it stop there, how is licensing going to make any difference.

Does anyone know what is involved, is it a test or just a register?

<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

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Lowestoft harbour by-laws 1993 No 10 state:

Water ski-ing, boardsailing and the use of jetbikes or jetskis in the Harbour area, may take place only where expressly permitted in writing by the Harbour Master. In order to obtain written permission from the Harbour Master, the following criteria must be met before a decision is made on allowing an applicant in the Harbour area with a jetski or jetbike.

The Port does not operate a launching slipway, so written proof of an agreement with a berth owner or operator, is needed where the jetski is to be launched.

There must be hand-held VHF on board the vessel to monitor traffic and call the Port Control on VHF Channel 14 when launching, approaching the Bridge and entering and leaving the Harbour

Jetski to proceed from its launch slipway directly to sea, keeping to the speed limit,it of 4 knots and observing all traffic signal lights in the Harbour and directions from the Bridge Operator

Mooring of jetskis in the Harbour alongside ABP quays or vessels berthed in the Harbour is strictly prohibited unless prior agreement is obtained from the bridge Control or vessel owner.

Details of jetski and any distinguishing features to be registered with the Harbour Master

Jetskis to be in sound and good mechanical condition

Life jackets are to be worn by all riders.

Written permission will be provided by the Harbour Master if he is satisfied that the above conditions will be met. ABP reserves the right to suspend or revoke any permission if any of the above conditions are not kept, or if it is felt that on the grounds of safety the passage of jetskis in the Harbour becomes a hazard to its owner or other Harbour users.`

Harbour Master Lowestoft. Effective date :1 January 2004.

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16 May 2001
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Yes, they said that they are administering an RYA scheme and are following several other Local Authorities in doing so. The annual cost will be £75.

An ex lifeboatman who was interviewed, said himself; "how can they limit it to PWC's? How could you explain to a parent who's child was mangled by a prop on a speedboat, that they fall outside the compulsary insurance rule".

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4 Mar 2004
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just come to Folkestone any sunny weekend and see the bedlam jet skis and speed boats doing 30 or 40 knots between swimmers and moored fishing boats and yachts we have no harbour master therefore nobody to stop them.have you ever asked a 26 stone skinhead covered in tattoos to slow down? maybee licencing is the only way!Rant over

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16 May 2001
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How fast can a 26 stone skinhead be? Depends on his HP I guess!
Rant understood..

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11 Jun 2002
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Well it's not exactly new.

Salcombe require ALL boats using the harbour to purchase a permit, and have done for years. Even if you are visiting. If you don't want to pay it, you don't visit!

<hr width=100% size=1>Me transmitte sursum, caledoni


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30 May 2001
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Not at all surprised, they want to have some control over jetskis, they are considered by most to be a general nuisance. They have been banned from launching for years at Lyme Regis and West Bay. I wish they would extend the ban to Exmouth, the bastrds use the beach as a speed way and a car park and most of the seem to delight in spraying as much water as possible into the local open moored boats. There are of course exceptions, but most seem to hunt in packs and cause as much hassle as possible.

I don't see that what Weymouth has done is in any way a pre-cursor to compulsory licensing of all boats. Just a way to control those which have proved to be a nuisance in the past.

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7 Jun 2001
We have had compulsory registration in Jersey for all watercraft for years - whether Jet-skis, powerboats, sailing boats, surfboards or surf canoes. You cannot be registered without proof of 3rd party insurance, and cannot bring a speedboat or jet-ski into the Island to use on holiday unless you register it first. Visiting yachtsmen/powerboaters are exempt.
It does not seem to be a problem with anyone, and enables the Harbour Office to keep track of moorings, ownership etc and to know who owns abandonned craft, and of course makes everyone more aware of the insurance necessities.
Just because we are registered does not mean we are examined or licsensed, but at least the Harbour Office knows who owns a particular boat in case of any problems etc.
There is also a 5 knot speed limit for 200 yards from any shore/land including piers.

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11 Jun 2002
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Probably because they are sent direct by the Insurance company to the client, not to the broker. Every company I've insured my boat with has sent me a certificate each year. You can't berth in most marina without one

<hr width=100% size=1>Me transmitte sursum, caledoni


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9 Mar 2003
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Re: REgistration and licensing private boats is h

That assumes that the licensing authority will do something about the 26 stone skinhead. Like the police do when he drives his unlicensed Clio with its boom boom speakers and loud exhaust.

Registration isnt about control. It isnt even about revenue. Its about bigger responsibilities, control of more staff, promotion and an ever bigger Empire for the Fat Controller.

<hr width=100% size=1>this post is a personal opinion, and you should not base your actions on it.