Red diesel problems in Belgium again it seems

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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Re: Belgium fines boat with traces of red - June 2017

So far as I understand it, there is only one report of a vessel transitting Belgian waters that was stopped at sea and fined for red diesel, and that was at least a couple of years ago. All the other reports are of people who were visited by customs in a Belgian port. So, those are not people on "innocent passage". They are visiting the country.

Avoiding Belgian waters entirely, en route to Holland, is hard enough for people doing a crossing from the East Coast. For someone, like me, on the South Coast it requires a very significant diversion. However, so long as we don't start hearing more reports of people being fined at sea, I think I would be willing to risk a passage from (say) Dunkirk to Breskens or Vlissingen (non-stop).

As you point out there has been at least one instance of a vessel being boarded and fined whilst in transit and there have been real concerns by people about this and given the volte-face of the Belgians this year it is by no means certain that they will not attempt it again. Perhaps one should treat Belgian waters like the waters of the N African coast and the strait of Hormuz, certainly the consequences of transiting seem to have some similarities.


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24 Feb 2003
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Re: Belgium fines boat with traces of red - June 2017

As you point out there has been at least one instance of a vessel being boarded and fined whilst in transit and there have been real concerns by people about this and given the volte-face of the Belgians this year it is by no means certain that they will not attempt it again. Perhaps one should treat Belgian waters like the waters of the N African coast and the strait of Hormuz, certainly the consequences of transiting seem to have some similarities.
Exactly, why chance a 500 note fine off a jobsworth? Stupid people, there actions will impact on a section of their citizens and we will start seeing them on here again begging us to go back!


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24 May 2012
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What I do not understand is that the RYA state that there should be no problem with a yacht carrying spare cans of fuel ( provided it is white) & the CA saying one should not do so.
It would be good if the Belgian customs could clarify this prior to my leaving.
When i go I will ask the question when i am boarded.
Simon ( RNSYC harbourmaster) has emailed me & agreed to keep my cans in his garage whilst I am there, so i will fill my tank as soon as I arrive. This will be some time around 2400 hours. Then I will take them up onto the dockside ASAP until I have been boarded. Hopefully I will not be boarded on arrival.

You forgot to say that you will then still pay your fine the following day.

Me? Voting with my feet - no Belgium this year!

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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You forgot to say that you will then still pay your fine the following day.

Me? Voting with my feet - no Belgium this year!

Well i am keeping my fingers crossed that having cleaned the tanks i will not, hopefully, actually be breaking the law. If, however, they are so hell bent on imposing fines anyway, even if i do not have any traces of red, then I will get fined.

Not going to Belgium is not the only option. Complying with their law is the answer. It is just how hard to comply is the problem & that is what i am going to find out.


Well-known member
3 Sep 2010
Chatting to a couple today who sailed in from Oostende on their way back from a holiday in Holland.
They stayed two nights at Oostende and didn't see anybody which was just as well as they had over 100lt of red diesel in their tanks.
They have been out of the news loop on the issue so were blissfully unaware.

It seems that the wrong place at the right time is the best option.
If only there was a way to control time........


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24 May 2012
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I raised this subject at the boat show today both with one of the large Marina groups and the RYA. The meeting in Europe was held on Monday of this week, the RYA as yet, had heard nothing of how that meeting had gone nor the outcome.

So clearly the RYA (the British Government's Representative for British pleasure boating interests) was not present or represented.

Says a lot for the standing of the RYA‼️ Wonder if the CA was involved❓


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24 May 2012
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The RYA negotiates with foreign governments on behalf of HMG?

Apparently not! Irrespective of its status, I wasn't aware the RYA operated as a company.

Whatever, given the significance of the Red Deisel Issue and the likelyhood that it would come up at the Boat Show, I am surprised that the RYA didn't get an upto date brief on the latest situation.

Is our East Coast that far from the Solent? ;)


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4 Jan 2015
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Whatever, given the significance of the Red Deisel Issue and the likelyhood that it would come up at the Boat Show, I am surprised that the RYA didn't get an upto date brief on the latest situation.

Is our East Coast that far from the Solent? ;)

They have attempted too and not received a they have attempted too.

Perhaps if other visitors at the show raised it in passing relevant stands it may help generate some impetus.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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They have attempted too and not received a they have attempted too.

Perhaps if other visitors at the show raised it in passing relevant stands it may help generate some impetus.

Very good idea?

To try to get all of the information in the same place. I am asking the Moderators to merge this thread with the stickie in East Coast Forum.

After all this issue has a bigger impact on our East Coast Brethren.
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Well-known member
1 Dec 2007
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Apparently not! Irrespective of its status, I wasn't aware the RYA operated as a company.

Whatever, given the significance of the Red Deisel Issue and the likelyhood that it would come up at the Boat Show, I am surprised that the RYA didn't get an upto date brief on the latest situation.

Is our East Coast that far from the Solent? ;)

Well, that's maybe because the lead in talking with the Belgian Ambassador and authorities has been the Cruising Association. That's not to say that the RYA aren't doing work also, and still do good stuff, but in recent months it's been the CA who were the more energetic on this matter. Go see them at their stand at SIBS!
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Well, that's maybe because the lead in talking with the Belgian Ambassador and authorities has been the Cruising Association. That's not to say that the RYA aren't doing work also, and still do good stuff, but in recent months it's been the CA who were the more energetic on this matter. Go see them at their stand at SIBS!

Long way from Lagos!??
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