One of my boatmates has just replaced a diesel tank. He partially filled it with road fuel. He now has one very smokey engine [red] and one clean one. So what is the crap were getting on the water?
I read my Volvo Warranty(1988) and technically I think it is void if you do not use road deisel.
Best refer fuel specs. on new warranties to be sure and good luck with the jerry cans.
Red diesel has no additives unlike road diesel. But there are so many different products on the market. The best I found is a additive called 'Fuel Doctor'. Put some in the tank and it stays suspended in the fuel. It breaks down any bug separates out any water, cleans injectors etc. The next alternative is 'Fuel Set', not as good as it dos'nt stay suspended in the fuel.
Road fuel has considerable less sulphur in it and of course the marine stuff is absent of the additives that you find in road diesel. In short road diesel burns very much more efficiently and more to point it is very much more cleaner burning.
The marine stuff is by far the lesser quality fuel, and depending from where said marina purchase their supply from it can be anything from poor to really poor quality diesel.
Hear-say of cause, buts it possible that some of the cheapo fuels that end up in marinas should disappear in a number of years as it will no longer conform to the various 'green' rules that will be enforce.