Ray of Sunshine


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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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What gloom and despondency!! All these broken engines.
Boat capable of 28 knots, but usually cruise about 18/ 20. Nice lazy speed, with engines well within their capabilities. Perhaps others always drive flat out? I seem to remember reading somewhere that with VP's you should go to max rpm then back off 200/ 400 for max cruising speed. They don't say you have to! You could go slower!

We are off to Brittany in a few weeks time and thoroughly looking forward to it. Nothing too energetic.
Thought we might try Dinan, up the river Rance from St Malo. Heard very good reports, although a bit concerned about the depth. Any comments?

Then may be Tregieu, Pampol, Lezardrieux or ?? Anyone any favourits?


New member
11 Jul 2001
West Sussex
Tregier is fantastic. There's a superb pizza place there - the best pizza I've ever had.

Watch the tides on the pontoons if you use the marina - try to park at slack tide and never attempt a downtide berth even if it's the only one left - I learnt the hard / embarrassing way!

Roger Holden

Deleted User YDKXO

Did the Rance upto Dinan last year and it is very well worth doing. The tidal flow in the Rance, as you probably know, is controlled by a barrage used for electricity generation which means that the times of HW and LW are artificially controlled. When you get to St Malo (reccomend you go into the Bassin Vauban rather than St Servan as its much closer to the town) go to the Capitannerie and ask for the Rance barrage timetable and this will give you the times during which the tidal height is maintained above a certain level which effectively means that the river is navigable during this period. Also buy the French chart for the Rance - this is essential. There is a lock through the barrage which also has set opening times but there are buoys outside for waiting if you are early. WARNING. There is a road bridge which rises to allow entrance into the lock - make sure you are clear of the bridge in the lock otherwise the rising water level may push you high enough to crush your radar arch on the bridge; they dont tell you about that in the pilot books and, no, it didnt happen to us. When you are through the lock ensure that you follow the buoyed channel especially if you are early and particularly in the upper reaches - there are a few tortuous bends so take care. There is a small marina at Plouer if you like being on your own
Once through the next lock, you are into the canalised part of the river and the depth is constant but keep to the buoyed channel upto Dinan. When you get there, mooring is a bit of lottery but try to get as close to the bridge as you can so you are nearer the restaurants/shops. We ate well at the restaurant next to the river just downstream of the bridge. Dinan itself is an arduous hike up a steep hill but it is well worth the effort
Agree with rogerroger about Treguier. Try to time your arrival/departure for slack water as the tide rips through the marina. The trip upto Treguier is very scenic but the town itself is a bit boring IMHO. Paimpol is also worth a visit a bit mini-Honfleur in the way the town is clustered around the harbour but 1 night only. Try to save 2-3 days for St Malo. If the weather's good Iles Chausey are also worth a visit if you can get a buoy


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Cant say I'm a big fan of St Malo. But thats just me not liking big places. Up through Lezardrieux and into the canal to pontrieux. Nice and peaceful. Cheap too. Tregieu is worth the trip too. If only for the unbelivable feeling of. Thank God it's not foggy and please Mr GPS, dont pack in now!! Rocks in every direction from 10 miles out. Its like being on the Moon. But easy enough if you keep to the main chanel.

There was a Zebra crossing the Zebra crossing, last time we were there. And loads of other circus animals. All tied up along the side of the road. With kids sat on there backs and taking photo's. No keepers or anybody about. Cant see that in England.

No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!



MikeT whats yer boat and by the way whats a bean counter ?



Active member
31 Oct 2001
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Agree with you there. Mines got a max rev at 5500ish, cruise it at around 4900-4950ish, but it blew gaskets at only 2000. Also dropped 2 valves. So that throws that out the window. Don't build 'em like they used too I 'spose!!

Smile. its only money!