Speaking purely as a noob - once the boat has let out 200m of anchor and moored stern-on, how do they then free the anchor that's 200m away from them in a busy marina?
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.sailonline.com/seamanship/Med_mooring.html>Here</A> are the full instructions. Can also be done bow to. Some marinas have a "lazy line", you pick up a buoy, attach the line to your bow and just reverse in to the pontoon.
That's what I thought, but the animated gif shows the yacht dropping anchor some 5 or 6 boat lengths from the pontoon, then reversing in with the anchor fast to the sea bottom. Upon reaching the pontoon the anchor is hauled in and reset just in front of the bow, say at a length of 1/5th of the boat length. The ropes are represented by red lines.
I wondered how one could release an anchor from the sea bottom some 5 or 6 boat lenghts ahead of your boat whilst stern-on moored to a pontoon?