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I would like to know your source for this claim. Worldwide Research into Z.Marina (eelgrass) which is present in Studland states very clearly otherwise in every case. American researchers raked out 1m square patches of eelgrass to study the result. Recovery was rapid and complete. After 2 seasons growth the test areas were indistinguishable from the sorrounding growth. Lesser abrasion scars are reported to heal sometimes within weeks. Other reports confirm similar findings following destruction of eelgrass beds either by natural or pollution events . Recovery is rapid and complete. Some researchers even suggest accelerated growth rates following disturbance , though this has not been followed up.it only takes one day of inconsiderate anchoring to cause long lasting damage ,, ( the damage done does not come up with the anchor chain you know but remains on the sea bed and takes years to recover )
The Seastar Survey 2012 of Studland found no significant differnce between anchor areas and the control area which had had no anchoring for 2 years. Our own small scale survey, a series of video runs across the centre of the anchorage found no evidence of anchor damage or disturbance, simply acres of healthy eelgrass. Like Seastar, standard metrics revealed growth quality well within the range regarded as healthy.
The one report on Studland that says otherwise made several fundamental errors. Firstly they studies a small area, and atributed the result to the whole 96 hectares. It provided no evidence that the gap it studied had been caused by an anchor. The edge erosion it described 'undermining the rhizome mat' is present elsehwere in places never used for anchoring, and is caused by beach level change. I was present when that report was presented, and challenged the author, who was unable to answe our specific questions.
If you are referring to the more fragile tropical or sub tropical species such as Posidonia Oceanica widespread in the Med, then yes it can take many years for abrasion damage to recover, because it is so slow growing. This is the mistake the authroities are making in their 'expert advice'. Because generic seagrasses tend to be fragile and slow growing, they believe studland is the same.