We got a newish landlord at our local pub, nice bloke, never been a landlord before and he'd got a bit worried. Never mind I says, come for a few days on Mucky Farter. Oh great he says. So all sorted out for today, Wednesday. Cant come Wednesday the man from the brewerys comming! Will Thursday be ok. Right Thursday it is then. Err, I'm having trouble getting staff! I'll try to sort it. Then last night. It's to close to my Holidays anyway and cant get staff.
What is it about folk that think it's OK to arse you about. Bet he dont try to arse Easy Jet about.
I've swarn before. NEVER invite non boaty folk ever again. Well thats it, I'm sticking to it from here on. He wont get asked again, thats for sure.
<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>No one can force me to come here.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer!!.<font color=blue>
What is it about folk that think it's OK to arse you about. Bet he dont try to arse Easy Jet about.
I've swarn before. NEVER invite non boaty folk ever again. Well thats it, I'm sticking to it from here on. He wont get asked again, thats for sure.
<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>No one can force me to come here.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer!!.<font color=blue>