18 Oct 2001 #1 G Guest Guest Why do some props have more blades than others? Why are prop blades shaped differently? RJMW
18 Oct 2001 #2 P peterg New member Joined 14 Jun 2001 Messages 795 Location almost but not quite Fleet, Hampshire Visit site have a look at this site....... http://www.rundquist.com/props.htm they give all sorts of info about why they are different
have a look at this site....... http://www.rundquist.com/props.htm they give all sorts of info about why they are different
18 Oct 2001 #3 longjohnsilver Well-known member Joined 30 May 2001 Messages 18,840 Visit site Also take a look at www.teignbridge.co.uk If you need any help choosing the right prop they are worth talking to. PS don't think anyone was squabling about flags, just interested how to get one. Now we know, thanks boatone.
Also take a look at www.teignbridge.co.uk If you need any help choosing the right prop they are worth talking to. PS don't think anyone was squabling about flags, just interested how to get one. Now we know, thanks boatone.