RH: If you close your right hand, and stick out the thumb, the thumb points in the direction of motion and the fingers point in the direction the propellor turns. Just like taps and screws.
LH: use the left hand.
look at the prop and imaginre your thumb (either one) in the centre shaft taper (hole). If you could pick the prop off the floor (if that was where it was) with the one hand, by placing your fingers under the blade then whichever hand you are using is the handing of the prop. Try it, I know some joker will say my props are 1 ton in weight so I couldnt lift it anyway! but try it in the spirit of the post and see how easy it is to establish the handing.
now here's a nice little quirk. if you buy a yanmar engine with a standard shaft you need a RH prop but the same engine with a saildrive needs LH. moral: read the small print!