Though money and boats cause some kind of system overload for me, as I never see them both at the same time.
But, on your point, you spot them mainly in marinas, and unfortunately the majority of these oiks have no regard for other peoples property either. We live overlooking a marina, and believe me its a terrifying sight on some days. I am waiting for somebody to invent an 10' x 10' Transom fender, then I will begin to relax.
After rigging my genoa sheets direct from clew to winch on Sunday, forgetting that they were supposed to go through the sheet cars, I think the less money less sense faction is growing.
There has always been an element of this. It is usually self defeating in that obtaining said excess of money keeps them far too busy to use the (perceived) status symbol they bought.
Otherwise everyone has to start somewhere and whilst some of us started with very modest craft we should not (but always will be!) be jealous of those who can start a bit higher up the wish list.
If this is another back door post leading to proclaiming licences for all, please don't bother!
It is an obvious fact that the general wealth of the population is rising faster than their intelligence. Thus the W/SQ (Wealth divided by Sense Quotient) of the population is always rising. I imagine that it is a relative scale: - we could normalise the staistics to produce the mean W/SQ to be 1.0
But you are clearly complaining that other people - whilst not increasing their absolute level of sense or intelligence - have paradoxically proven relatively MORE able to increase their net worth than you have been of late.
Or, more worryingly, you have wasted/lost/burned a pile of loot whilst largely (aside from stupidity in losing all that cash) retaining the same degree of sense as before.
Either of the above explains your own relatively below-average performance in lagging behind in the general increase in W/SQ stakes. This accounts for the apparent increase (from your point of view) in the number of people with more money than sense.
To remedy the situation, the quickest solution is either make a load of money (but that wil take time) or win the lottery (not easy) or to (quickest option) decrease your relative intelligence: stop listening to classical music, read less widely and (best of all) get a frontal lobotomy. You will then have far more money than sense and instantly stop thinking that the number of people with "more money than sense" is increasing - because your own wealth/sense quotient will be much much improved.
How about less scorn and more advice. Even those with a few shillings (I had before the boat) have to learn how to handle their toys. Hands up anyone who has never cocked it up.
Having more money than sense does not mean they're incompetent. They could have so much money that although their sense level falls far short of their money level, the sense level is still very high; thus competence is high.
Still....come the revolution...bop, bop, bop as Wolfy Smith used to say.
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I agree. Can you provide a ready reckoner? Boating wise, what is the highest permittted level of wealth permitted for say YM - yet still not have more money than sense? Or dayskipper? Likewise, it might be handy if someone could specify the competence levels required of people with net worth of max (say) £10k, £100k, £1m, £10m, £100m to stay within acceptable levels of sense/money
Sorry ken, but your suddenly becoming daft has meant that you may have joined (or are close to joining) the group who now has more money than sense. Admittedly, you've done this by reducing your sense rather than increasing your wealth, but no matter - the result is the same.
To solve the problem, send me some of your money money to realign your wealth/sense target quotient to be less than 1.0
Of course, if you dropped your wallet overboard in the process of slightly cocking it up OR that the cockup is very expensive to remedy - rejoice! At least you can say with pride than you have INCREASED the gap between your sense (a bit lower than previously believed) and your wealth (definitely much lower than previously).
Aha! But you still confess to having SOME money and yet ZERO sense. So, you are right at the *top* of the burgeoning "more money than sense" brigade with a "wealth divided by sense" quotient of infinity!
other than the wealthy used to pay a "man who knows" to park the boat.
It is easy to use the marina dodgems of others as evidence of a decline but then someone somewhere is using your marina cock-ups for his evidence.
Tales from marina staff like this one...
"Guy on newish 45ft flybridge cruiser calls up marina on 80 and asks if someone could take a line as he's single handed.
On arriving at the berth staff member notices that no warps or fenders are in evidence. Following a quizical shout the boater responds that he thought the marina hand would do all of that. How this can be arranged with 20ft of water intervening was not gone into. He decides to come along side anyway. Quite firmly I'm told.
Two weeks later the boats out for gel coat repairs. Six weeks later the boats for sale.
He's bought a bigger one."
... reinforce the idea that powerboaters figure high in the world of calamity but that's only to be expected. Statistics flag up that it is the fastest growing area of boating. It must therefore have a lot of newbies and they've got to learn somewhere. Also some of these high speed, high windage powerboats are a bit of a handfull in anything less than the most placid conditions.
I have to say though that some people do have a lot of expensive gadgets onboard. Whether thats sense or money I don't know and I'm not bothered really.