Princess V40 vs V42


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9 Jul 2001
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I'd love to upgrade to a princess V42 put lack of funds suggests it's beyond my reach. The V40 seems very similar. Is the V42 just got a longer bathing platform or are there other major changes.

Secondly, were any V40's made with a jet ski garage?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
South coast
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The V42 has a slightly longer cockpit, slightly longer saloon, and the aft cabin is slightly wider (runs transversely, so the width is in the length of the boat, if you see what I mean!?).

The V40 was never available with a dinghy garage.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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forget jetski garages on 40 footers - having a jetski is ok as well as a dinghy but not instead. Seems that those boats with jetbikes-only (and no dinghy) such as some targa 48's for example don't sell on well as jetbikes fad is fading.

Don't believe either v40 or 42 has garage. The failine targa 40 and 43's do have a garage, tho for a dinghy with outboard (and it's very tight so carteful tranna up the spec...) not jet RIB nor jetski.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
South coast
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Dinghy garage option on V42 for upto 2.8m dinghy. Not jetski.

V drive layout available on either boat, but rare as about £20K dearer and about 2 knots faster! Don't think you can have V drives with dinghy garage option though, due to space constraints.


6 Aug 2001
Poole Dorset and Palma Majorca
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Some FACTS about V40 vs V2

Both boats were available on shafts but now the V42 no longer has the shaft option.

The shaft option is nearer £30k more and in fact about 8 knots slower.
The advantage is not dangling two gerboxes in the water and the greater manouverability and stability derived from a shaftdriven boat.

The open cockpit option is far mor popular in the UK and sells much more easily as the Sunbed option V40 and garage option on the V42 severly restrict the seating in the cockpit. The open cockpit version can seat 10 with ease.

The accomodation in the 40 and 42 is very similar, in fact I am not sure you could tell the difference. We considered upgrading our V40 ( 1988 Kad44's excellent condition on sterndrives available late 2002 :) ) to a V42 but really ther is little you get for the additional money. A new V42 works out at about £225K a 1999 V42 at around £180k and a V40 1999 £160k (all stern drives)

At around 1997 there is no premium for the shaft driven option and this is born out by the fact that Princess dropped the option.

Most people who desire this type of Sports Cruiser want 36 knot plus performance and the V40 on stern drives can push 39 clean on a Kad 44 engined boat.

The manouverability is more difficult on the sterndiven option but it is an extemely manouverable boat even with sterndrives and bow thruster option.

The additonal space which could have been gained in the V42 where it matters in the aft cabin is reduced by the inclusion of a larger wardrobe and where we have been able to sleep 3 boys easily in the aft cabin on the V40 I see it being more difficult on the V42.

If you are looking for a used boat I would try to find a Kad 44 engined boat (1998 onwards) The engine option before this was Kad 42's and now of course new boats come with Kad 300's

Finally I would say that whatever you go for it is an excellent boat and we bought ours two years old and feel extremely lucky to have made such an excellent choice. I considered a new Sealine S37 and a 1996 Fairline targa 39 before we found our V40.

If you want any further info on V40's or even if you fancy a look round one I would be pleased to show it off. I am in Poole.
