Prepping the Ranieri Revolution 4.55 for the Mooring


Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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So why the mooring if the trailer's taking up a similar footprint of your garden?
You don't just have a boat on a mooring because of storage space at home. It is about ease of use. With it on a mooring you can pop down as and when and go out in it with ease. The mooring costs an eye watering £120 a year and I keep the tender in the tender Park for another eye watering £20 a year.

I am also fortunate that within reason storage space at 'home' is not an issue.

It is just another way of doing things and is minimal hassle. Will the boat get more messy. Yes it will but then I bought this boat for this purpose. If I want to tow a boat longer distances I feel my small Rib is a better option.

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