Well-known member
Just planning a cross channel trip and using Predictwind and realised it doesn't use tidal data at all in the planning algorithm. It seems 100% based on true predicted wind. I thought this weird so did a bit of playing around with a Solent based example where more tide is present and I can more easily see what's going on. A trip from Hurst to just past Bramble bank, straight line with departure planning set for a westerly flow and easterly flow gives the exact same results. I would expect the tide to make an enormous difference to this trip, having watched many boats make zero progress over the years when fighting tide even with good wind.
For a channel crossing, which I realise is still a bit of a small trip for the tool, this means they are getting the apparent wind wrong for most of the journey, and therefore boat speed is wrong for most of the journey, and therefore the planning is completely useless aside from the nice animation of a boat and weather over time through the trip.
I'm not expecting the tool to be perfect, but this seems like an important thing for them not to take into account!
For a channel crossing, which I realise is still a bit of a small trip for the tool, this means they are getting the apparent wind wrong for most of the journey, and therefore boat speed is wrong for most of the journey, and therefore the planning is completely useless aside from the nice animation of a boat and weather over time through the trip.
I'm not expecting the tool to be perfect, but this seems like an important thing for them not to take into account!