Poole daytripper boats


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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Is it just me? When I was in Poole at the week end the Brownsea Island boat overtook me with about 5 feet between us, I was sailing at the edge of the channel at the time, no other boats around and I had the distinct impression he was trying to force me aground. I would'nt have thought too much about it but last year wehen entering Poole at the Bar 1 buoy I got 5 hoots from one of the boats from the Town Quay going between Bournemouth Pier and Swanage. Again I was sailing and well clear but he seemed to go out his way to force a confrontation. When he hooted he was at least 200 yds away and in clear water. That is the one and only time I've ever been given the big 5! A bit unfair I thought as I was maintaining a steady course for the No 1 Buoy at the time and I thought my intentions were absolutely crystal clear, however I turned to starboard 180 to avoid confrontation and then got another 5 plus rude gestures from the bridge.

Is there some sort of local situation between these boats and yachtsmen?


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12 Jun 2002
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This sort of thing is common. They don't care about what they are doing..just making money and getting the job done.

To that lot people are just money and the more they move and quicker the more money they make.

I haven't been to poole for a few years because of the new marina and proces but i used to hate the entrance as it was always wthout exception full of idiots...

And i mean small speedboats going too fast or even x boats tacking against the current without a chance and getting pulled under the chain ferry..!!!!!


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6 Jun 2002
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I sailed out of Poole for about five years in the late eighties and then since 1999 and I have never encountered the problems you describe with day tripper boats of which there are quite a few. What can take visitors to Poole by surprise are the large number of power boats relative to sailing yachts. Contrary to popular belief many power boaters are courteous and traffic problems do tend to be confined to the "chain ferry" entrance to the harbour and its immediate approaches.

Arguably the greatest cause of difficulty in Poole for a cruising boat is being engulfed in a criss crossing swarm of racing dinghies or small cats and then trying to safely thread your way through.

16 May 2001
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There has been a campaign for many a year....

... in Poole from Harveys. Davis's and the other operators to get the commissioners to introduce a local bye law to give priority to commercial passenger vessels over and above the col regs. Right or wrong, they see you as messing about in boats and interfering with their pursuit of their livelihood.

The Highway Code requires you to "(in towns)...give way to buses signalling an intention to move out from bus stops unless it is unsafe to do so" They just want this sort of extension to be applied to them.

Steve Cronin


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: There has been a campaign for many a year....

I would'nt have a problem with that and , like most cruising yachtsmen,as a matter of course extend every courtesy and consideration to those who make their living on the water whilst I am merely using it as a recreational facility. What I was taken aback about was the aggressive behaviour of the two craft in question. Particularly the incident last year, if that had not taken place I'm sure I would not have even given last weekend's overtake a second thought!


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3 May 2002
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Re: hang on tho

why should your using the water for recreation make you a second class citizen. it doesn't on the roads. most people give them all the room without question but i see no need to give them carte blanche

Wedding can be an anagram of 'JUST HANDOVER THE MONEY' if you can't spell.


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4 Nov 2002
West midlands
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We sail a Drascombe (not the most speedy of boats, even with an engine) frequently out of pool harbour and are often amazed by the attitude of people to their own and others safety in the rush to get across the chain ferry.

We met one of the engineers for one of the major ferry's the other day and he said they get constant narkey radios from people in yachts complaining that the wash from the ship has upset their lunch! It's a shipping lane, what do they expect!



We go in and out of Poole every weekend during the summer and have experienced the same problems as your self to the extent now of staying in the main shipping channel rather than using the small ships channel as we have found it to be far safer.

The day trip boats have forced me to go into shallow water out of the small shipping lanes many times even though I was trying to pass them correctly, by staying in the main lanes it leaves me more room to get out of the way.

Best to keep a listening watch on 14 for the condor and car ferry though