Pilfering from the Boatyard



In the winter, when my boat is laid up, I take an electric fan heater with me when I am working on board. First time I plugged it in this winter the element glowed bright orange and smoke poured out - so I turned it off and left it under the boat, thinking I could have a look at it later and maybe fix it. Guess what? Someone pinched it while I wasn't looking. Not sure if I should be annoyed at the loss, or worried in case they burn their house down. Knowing my luck, if it did cause a conflagration they'd sue.

Merry Christmas All


Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Sad but true

The story was reported in the Twister Owners Assoc magazine...

You may remember last season when the yacht Tuila disappeared without trace in the North Sea, with the loss of four lives. It had been substantially refitted by its owner, who did almost all the work himself using, whenver possible, found materials to help eke out his budget.

His body was recovered and cremated. His family disposed of his ashes at sea, except for a few which went into the waste timber skip at Fox's boat yard "because he spent so much of his time rummaging through it".