Photos of the Bristol Channel...
The Bristol Channel Yachting Association are compiling the next edition of the B.C.Y.A. Hand-book, sometimes affectionately known as "The Blue Book" to that end, if anyone has any nice photos of the Bristol Channel, especially harbours, anchorages, estuaries & etc. for inclusion in that publication and would be willing to donate them (i.e. relinquish the copy-write) it would be much appreciated, (the photos if used will of course be credited with the originator) please send them to Susanne Newbold individually, i.e. one photo in each e mail to thanking you in advance, best regards, Tony Davies.
The Bristol Channel Yachting Association are compiling the next edition of the B.C.Y.A. Hand-book, sometimes affectionately known as "The Blue Book" to that end, if anyone has any nice photos of the Bristol Channel, especially harbours, anchorages, estuaries & etc. for inclusion in that publication and would be willing to donate them (i.e. relinquish the copy-write) it would be much appreciated, (the photos if used will of course be credited with the originator) please send them to Susanne Newbold individually, i.e. one photo in each e mail to thanking you in advance, best regards, Tony Davies.