


First things first: I know nothing about boats and, to be honest, am not really interested (at the moment) beyond liking the idea of renting a decent sized speed boat whilst on holiday in the French Med. Last year, is Sete, there were plenty of chances to rent small speed boats but in order to do so, you need a 'permit'.

My questions are (1) does anyone know what sort of permit/license is required and (2) can I study for them or take a test for them here in the UK?

Any advice would be welcome and, who knows, I may even get hooked on boats!

Thanks, Dave.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Permis Bateau

An ICC is fine. This has some nice foreign language on the back. International Certificate of Competence, from the RYA. If you really know watcha doing you could sortof get licencedthere and then, if not, besty get a bit of tuition, yes in the uk local boat club will be able to sort you out. Otherwise, as you have found out, the limit is 6hp.

Well, if you approach them in september they aren't that desperate so will loan you monster v8 yeehah boat with a grand deposit and no ICC. I did this bout 7 years ago, drank loads of wine all day and smashed the boat on the way back in at the end of the day on account of trying and failing to drive over the massive fuel barge in Golfe Juan.


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6 Aug 2001
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Welcome to the site.

In order to hire 'decent-sized' boats in France you will need an ICC (International Certificate of Competence). Great fun obtaining and can be done here or in the MED.

Follow the following link for the 'How To' and then come back and tell us whatyou are going to do next.

You'll getsome kind ofview from everyone here !!! /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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6 Aug 2001
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Twas YOU !!

I didn't know that !! Has the story been here before? What boat was that??

Where did you hire it from? Please tell me Chris Allen !!

<font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Twas me

I can't remember who we rented it from, cos we were very lashed. But do remember that one of the kids drove us around very nicely in a swanky italian outdrive fletcherish speedboat all day, that swmbo argued that the large green cardinal in the middle of GJ bay must be an inflatable Perrier bottle like on the ski slopes, and that at the end of the day i took over the controls (much better if I had left it to the 6-year-old) then at fuel dock swmbo told me quick quick go forwards quick so i pushed the thingie forward a lot, and a second later the pesky boat whooshed off bang bang scrape scrowl tear graunch bang bang, and so heyho back to the office we won't have our deposit back cos we've smashed it up. Ah well says the bemused fdrenchie chap, i can't give you the deposit back cos you've smashed it up. Yes yes we know, we've smashed it up, so pertwang day out cost us 1300 quid ah well. Ah but see said the man i can't give you the oh er you're very British.

Fortunately, the kids were sworn to secrecy about it all so nobody knows a thing.



Many thanks for such quick responses. Exactly the sort of information that I was looking for. I'm off to check out local speedboat schools!


Active member
6 Aug 2001
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Re: Twas me

Shame it wasn't Mr allen but him not Frenchie. He's the guy who 'Sold' us the 'Portofino' 400 only to withdraw 'sale' as he'd actually contractually committed to someone else !!!

No wonder you were surprised atone of my previous posts .. I did something similar with a Tullio Abbate in La Nap !!!!! Less alcohol ( actually dead cold sober )........Port throttles sticking while returning to Fuel Pontoon. Look down to shift sticking lever with both hands , accidentally hit s/board throttle as well...clout pontoon at speed ( in reverse) .............SWMBO roaring with laughter . Little French Diesel wallah trying to dive off t'other side..

Deposit recovered cos I threaten hire company in franglais with court action for them hiring dangerous boats out, and got extra day free ..YES

<font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>