Passage through the Netherlands waterways


New member
11 Jan 2002
Cowes. Isle of Wight
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I am going to help bring a boat back From Sweden and the owner is keen to come through the Dutch channels if possible. The boat has an air space of 19 metres and a draft of 2,15 metres. The route would be from Cuxhaven to Borkum and then through the Isselmeer, Antwerp canal and Haarlem, and then down to Vlissigen if possible.
I remember reading somewhere that some of the canals are only suitable for boats with a draft of 2 metres and altouugh I have the Cruisint the Netherlands Canal guide, I am not sure of the maximum airspace of the rail bridges at Gouda.
Any help would be appreciate as would advice on which marinas can take a 46 foot boat.
Any help would be much appreciated.

<hr width=100% size=1>Chris Stannard


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
I don't think you will get 2.15 metres through the canals up north. We did the whole of the "Standmast" route last summer, we draw 1.4 metres and for long periods registered between 0 and 0.2 under the keel in the section between Lauwersoog and Harlingen. We ran aground once but that was in an overnight stop at Birdaard.

If the intention is to come through the "wats" from Borkum I would be very doubtful that it's possible with that draught. We came inside from Nordeney and scraped it in parts.

Just from memory I think you will be OK at Gouda but I can check tonight if nobody else knows.

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Well-known member
7 Nov 2001
Belgium, Holland
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in dutch, but a good overview

Flushing: nope, sorry, not with 46 ft. You need to go across the Westerschelde for Breskens, they can handle 45+ boats.

Oosterschelde: Wemeldinge, Kats, Zierikzee or Roompot Marina

Haringvliet: Hellevoetsluis

<hr width=100% size=1>Group of people on the pontoon: skipper is the one with the toolbox.


New member
3 Sep 2001
N London, and boat in Suffolk
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You seem to be planning to enter the Dutch canal system at Delfziyl. taking the route over the Waddensee is completely out of the question for a boat of your size - really! Unless you especially want to try this N route, you will do better to proceed outside the islands to Texel and hook in through Den Oever. Your problem is your draft - 2m is just about the max over many miles in the north of Holland (Frieseland) away from the Margareten Canal which you could navigate. I have passed from Lauwersoog via Lauwarden, Sneek, and Lemmer into the Yssel Meer with 1.9m draft - just. With 2.15m draft I reckon you will have real problems.
I would add that 19m airdraft is also a bit chancy in places - mine is 16m and I had to proceed with great caution - a couple of bridge spans at locks are rated at 18m only - watch out for them.

From Texel you can make it down the Yssel Meer and Markerer Meer ok and proceed via the N Sea canal to Haarlem, but south of Haarlem you will encounter shallow water again. V pretty of course - but not much fun if you're stuck and traffic is rushing past you! If you go this way, pass on through the sea locks at Ijmuiden and taste some sea air again.

There is some hope -for a peaceful taste of Holland I recommend you cruise down the N sea and enter Holland at Hoek van Hoolland or anywhere south of it. Air draft is no problem and you will have enough water under the keel to feel happy, all the way down to Veere, Middleburg and Vlissingen. Your size of boat will be hard to accommodate in all places but the Dutch are inventive!

Stop in Breskens (not long - it's a lot more expensive than the inland marinas) and enjoy the food at the clubhouse or in the town.


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New member
13 Mar 2002
Not true, we got into Vlissingen last year with 48 ft.
Mind the sill at the entrance though. But true: across the Scheldt at Breskens marina you can get in at all states of tide

<hr width=100% size=1>Peter a/b SV Heerenleed, Steenbergen, Netherlands


New member
29 Dec 2002
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Check out it is in English, and describes the standing-mast route through the Netherlands from Delfzijl on the Dutch-German Border all the way to Vlissingen. I did it last september in a Vega 27 only drawing 1.17 meters draft, but I "believe their is plenty of water, at any rate the above web site shows a map of the route, safety rules, lists marina's and moorings, service times for bridges and locks, etc. It is invaluable. If I can be of any further assistance, contact me at Good luck, Frank Gallardo Jr.

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New member
3 Sep 2001
N London, and boat in Suffolk
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You would be far better advised to make down the Dutch coast and put in around Roompot and proceed south via the Veerse Meer and out via Vlissingen. This will give you a taste of Holland and some shelter and not expose you to probs.

In Friesland, outside the Margaretten Canal, you cannot proceed with more than 2m draft.

Further south, there are also air draft problems - at least one important flyover at a lock S of Doordrecht has a posted max of 18m - clearly shown on the inland charts.

It is no suprise that large vessels are only seen in selected Dutch waters - the inland routes are for the most part good for 2m keel draft and 16m airdraft and no more.

As for the Wadden See watersheds - completely out of the question for you -
1.4 m draft is pushing it, but the main ferry routes are ok for you at or near HW.

Good luck,


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