panto act 2 - snow white 7d's, RobinsonC and thick plot


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15 May 2002
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shivers me timbers

Just warn them off, or I'll round up a few to come and piss all over the other forum, and it will all end in tears again

[/ QUOTE ]

as far as confessions go Brendan, that's a heavy one ... so you are the ringleader of the bully team that once in a while goes into hacking mode at other places ? so nice to know that you are allowed to do that under young master "Ollamby's umbrella. I'm sure the IPC bonzo's will like that one, you actually are on the payroll too, is that in your job description ? /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif

the curtain opens, the real panto begins :
-one person comes tramping up the stage,Bully the Dog, angryfaced, waving his fists : <span style="color:red"> I'll have you know you rascals, this is not your place, this is ours, we rule, the pram is ours" </span>
-little plonkers playing away in the corner : what the fook is this man saying ?
-Bully the Dog : <span style="color:green"> yes you, you load of "orrible obnoxious villains , I'll have you know, I know a lot of very important people, I know people in high places, I have muscle, I have clout, now get off my scene </span>
-one little plonker : but sir, this is an open playground
-Bully the Dog : <span style="color:yellow"> open playground, open playground, as open as my arse on a friday night it is, you mongrel from outer space, I set the rules around here, now warn off your friends and tell them to be gone or you'll see, you'll see </span>
-all plonkers in a choir : we'll see what ?
Bully the Dog : <span style="color:brown">you'll see what you'll see, you bunch of nozems, bashi-boozooks, ectoplasmic postcoital abortions that you are, get thee gone or you'll see </span>

<span style="color:red">Floop,. fazoom, bang </span> Glamdrong the Wizzard, chewing on a half-shaven muttonleg appears on stage : O no, fook, fook and fook, wrong place again !!!

Glamdrong, upon seeing the total nonsense of what is going on emits the most humungous fart ever seen, heard or smelled, but as it happens, the man is already far in his 250's , so it's not abnormal he's getting a wee bit in-continental and this morning nursie was out of pampers ... a roar of laughter rolls through the auditorium when seeing Bully the Dog covered all over with Glamdrongs incontinency.... the little plonkers doing their normal act of ROTFLMAO, and we'll leave it at that, dear children, don't come and see next week when Bully finds there is no more toilet paper left to clean himself.

lighten up Brendan, all part of the panto named : life.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: shivers me timbers

Who said anything about hacking. Is that an allegation aimed at me? If so, repeat it very carefully and clearly, and I will ask ipc for your IP address and full name and address so I can take legal action. I said piss on your forums, like you and your mates are trying to do here. So shove off.


Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Ahem; meanwhile.............

... The action moves to Inner City London (Islington, to be precise) in the 21st Century. The Seven Persons of Restricted Growth - as we should, more correctly, call them - have, sadly, lost their jobs, as the owners of the Diamond Mine (a large multinational conglomerate, with its headquarters in Lichtenstein) have closed it down and outsourced production to the Phillippines.

The 7 have, however, managed to obtain alternative employment at a Call Centre near Dalston Junction and, as they march their merry way to work (because all of the trains have been cancelled) they sing a merry song.....

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It’s off to work we go
With a cool hand-jive,
And a P45,
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho!

We talk talk talk talk talk talk talk on our phones the
whole day through
To get a proper job is what we’d really like to do
But we’ve got no mine so it’s mighty fine,
To work on a Customer Service line!,
Where a million *rseholes whine!


We talk talk talk talk talk talk talk from early morn till night,
Mostly with egregious creeps, who treat us all like sh!te.
We answer questions by the score
Though it’s a monumental bore,
But if we stop, we get what for
From our creepy slug-like boss.

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It’s home from work we go
Didn’t get the knack,
So we got the sack.
Hey-ho, Hey-ho, Hey-ho, Ho hum………………… /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Well-known member
4 Jan 2002
Brightlingsea but boat in Wivenhoe
Re: shivers me timbers

So what you are saying Brendan is that you would much rather that members of the boating fraternity who choose to frequent more than one forum, should not be allowed to do so, and certainly are not welcome on the ybw fora?

Or am I misinterpreting what you are saying?

I was under the impression that this panto could be contributed to by ALL registered users of the YBW fora, and certainly from some of the early efforts there seems to have been no restriction on the direction or content of the plot...or have I got it wrong again?


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: shivers me timbers

funny how a few members who seldom post on this forum suddenly turn up and start posting in jokes like the horse thing which have no relevance in a panto.

You haven't answered my question. Were you accusing me of being involved in a hacking attempt?


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29 May 2002
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Not yet it isn't. You are either one of them stirring it up, or you have no idea what's going on.

[/ QUOTE ]Well I'm certainly not a one of them, but in this instance Brendon your being a complete prat. It's nearly christmas for christs sake "good will to all men" now you don't own this forum and you have no right to dictate who should be allowed to post here, especially as they have not broken any rules of ipc. Now pick up your dummy and get on with writing something worth reading. Now to carry on with the panto, who's that behind you?


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8 Dec 2005
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Not yet it isn't. or you have no idea what's going on.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was recommended to visit and join this site, as a fun and funny place to swap stories and read about boaty things.

You come across as a smug know it all, and personally i havent' the faintest idea what the hell you're going on about but hardly an inclusive type of attitude to take to newcomers, no wonder they don't post!

17,000 members and only a couple of hundred regular contributors, maybe your warm and welcoming style has something to do with it.

By the way its a PANTO.....get a life ! oh yes it is!!


Well-known member
4 Jan 2002
Brightlingsea but boat in Wivenhoe
Sorry Brendan, BUT...

originally posted by Brendan
You haven't answered my question. Were you accusing me of being involved in a hacking attempt?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have just reviewed my posts. I have copied the relevant ones for your benefit:

Cobra That is rich coming from you Brendan!!!

[/ QUOTE ]


Cobra By which you mean??? Perhaps you would care to expand on this one Brendan??

[/ QUOTE ]


Cobra So what you are saying Brendan is that you would much rather that members of the boating fraternity who choose to frequent more than one forum, should not be allowed to do so, and certainly are not welcome on the ybw fora?

Or am I misinterpreting what you are saying?

I was under the impression that this panto could be contributed to by ALL registered users of the YBW fora, and certainly from some of the early efforts there seems to have been no restriction on the direction or content of the plot...or have I got it wrong again?

[/ QUOTE ]

You appear to be under the illusion that I have accused you of something that I quite obviously have not. Antagonistic I may be at times...Stupid I most certainly am not! As it is the season of goodwill I would suggest an apology would be in order?

However...I guess that will not be forthcoming.

Anyway Happy Christmas one and all!!



Re: Sorry Brendan, BUT...

Check the post, Brendan was talking to ghostwriter, not you.



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15 Feb 2005
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Maybe I\'m Paranoid........

.......but I'm suprised at this month's raft of "New Users" who are laying into regulars.
Now I'm not suggesteing that being a regular poster makes you sacrosanct, but how do these New Users know who to target and if in fact, they are just newly duplicitly registered existing forumites, why don't they have the guts to attack as themselves.
If they are genuinely new, why did you register just to attack the existing forum's perfectly reasonable activity?

I think we need to know.


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10 Sep 2004
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Re: Maybe I\'m Paranoid........

This is the worst production ever. The cast are throwing the scenery at each other and I have run out of jelly babies down here in the stalls, I am going to have to start throwing me revels.

Coffee ones first I think.

Take that you orrible mean actors, and that!


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26 Dec 2003
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Re: shivers me timbers

well ghostwriter, that was an unpleasant post, only thing worse would be actually stepping in somthing "bully the dog" has done.


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23 Jan 2005
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The story so far

The story so far.
Robinson Crusoe is still waiting for a part but Brendan who has been busy sorting out a wicked troll who gate crashed the proceedings and then, aided by the two ugly sisters, turned on him, sending all the cast scurrying for cover.
Then in the best tradition of the forum the troll announced he was leaving, of course he’ll be back. At least I hope he does as we are still looking for someone to play Scrooge and he’d be perfect.
Snow white P had a nasty scare when she discovered a stowaway in her bed. No one knows for sure who it was but it was very fishy.
The seven persons of reduced stature set to work to repair Santa`s sled and armed with the boaters emergency tool kit, ie. Twelve rolls of black ducting tape, soon had him on his way, they had then gone off to seek their fortune in Telesales
Woofy in his role of health and safety officer helped everything along by bringing everything to a standstill.

No1 moose is still on light duties.

So there you have it. Tome has gone off in search of something to eat and in the distance the eight dwarfs can be heard singing
I owe…. I owe…. so of to work I go.

The story contiues.
Then Snowwight P spotted a small green frog sitting on a toad stool left of center stage, “Would you mind if I gave you a kiss,” asked SnowightP, “Alright said the frog, but no tongues.”



Well-known member
18 Sep 2003
Dorset/ Hampshire. south coast
Re: The story so far

Snowwight P gives this option some long hard thought [30 seconds later] She did not expect the frog to say "Yes"
She decides to give it a go, it can't be any worse than what has gone before,

So she puckers up, and gives the frog a long slow KISS, [ no tongues.

With a whizz and a bang and a large flash [ OK moose one that enough]
the frog turns........................................................................ a somersault and grins, then splutters.

then says "Well you need some practise on that !I have had better kisses from a fish than the one you just gave me!!!"


New member
23 Jan 2005
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Re: I`m outa here!!

Well Julie looks like it’s just the three of us , Me you and Harry, even the audience has gone.
Perhaps they’ll be back at closing time. In the meantime let`s go back over to the Mobo forum where we feel more comfortable and I’ll tell you a longwinded Christmas story.
Bring your hankie.
