panto act 2 - snow white 7d\'s, RobinsonC and thick plot
The story so far
robinson crusoe played by unclealbert, possibly, has crashed in on the dimly-lit ybw panto Snow White and the 7 dwarves, being (quite badly) produced by brendans and masively screwed up by shipswoofy as HSofficer having a fight with No1moose who sposed to do the lights, whilst jezbanks (who is also doing sdome scriptwriting) and depsol try and finish the set.
Act 1 began with the wicked queen accidentally being played by powerskipper, with hlb as snow white. At the end of act 1, liverpool has blown up and powerskipper has swapped to being the snow white and tome is now the wicked queen. The original snow white (hlb) threw up all over the seven dwarves. Hlb then had a jolly send off with the usual treacle mine sketch.
Highlights of scene 1 inlcude of course liverpool being blown up and somehow the scriptwrites getting £3m quid for doing the nhs panto as well. The treacle mine sketch was a bit rubbish cos we've seen it before.
act 2 scene 1 : back in the palace with tcms copper mirror and tome the wicked queen
tome wicked queen "mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all"
mirror: it is defintely not you, it's snow white
tome wicked queen: "jeez, get a grip you stupid mirror - you obvioulsy know nothing about beauty! BSI standards plainly state that blah drone etc hence tsk, you're useless. and hopeless, i had a crap mirror once before and obviously will have to sell you on ebay
mirror: er but i'm a magic mirror and erm well there haven't been any complaints before and erm
tome: sorry but i think we all know what craop you talk, completely out of date and i have devised an alternative 24-channel beauty-detection system so you're fired.
mirror: Hm, well well you might have a point, on reflection. Geddit? on reflection!
audience: groan
The story so far
robinson crusoe played by unclealbert, possibly, has crashed in on the dimly-lit ybw panto Snow White and the 7 dwarves, being (quite badly) produced by brendans and masively screwed up by shipswoofy as HSofficer having a fight with No1moose who sposed to do the lights, whilst jezbanks (who is also doing sdome scriptwriting) and depsol try and finish the set.
Act 1 began with the wicked queen accidentally being played by powerskipper, with hlb as snow white. At the end of act 1, liverpool has blown up and powerskipper has swapped to being the snow white and tome is now the wicked queen. The original snow white (hlb) threw up all over the seven dwarves. Hlb then had a jolly send off with the usual treacle mine sketch.
Highlights of scene 1 inlcude of course liverpool being blown up and somehow the scriptwrites getting £3m quid for doing the nhs panto as well. The treacle mine sketch was a bit rubbish cos we've seen it before.
act 2 scene 1 : back in the palace with tcms copper mirror and tome the wicked queen
tome wicked queen "mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all"
mirror: it is defintely not you, it's snow white
tome wicked queen: "jeez, get a grip you stupid mirror - you obvioulsy know nothing about beauty! BSI standards plainly state that blah drone etc hence tsk, you're useless. and hopeless, i had a crap mirror once before and obviously will have to sell you on ebay
mirror: er but i'm a magic mirror and erm well there haven't been any complaints before and erm
tome: sorry but i think we all know what craop you talk, completely out of date and i have devised an alternative 24-channel beauty-detection system so you're fired.
mirror: Hm, well well you might have a point, on reflection. Geddit? on reflection!
audience: groan