pan pan



After hearing a pan pan call and deciding that you are in position to be of assistance could someone give me an example of correct reply i have rya booklet g22 and am prepearing for a vhf/ dsc course at collage any advice would be very welcome

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16 Dec 2002
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Good question, I am not sure any unlike with mayday where you would precede all radio broadcasts with the word mayday to indicate working with the casualty.

i.e. Mayday 'distressed vessel' this is me, I am 2 miles away and steaming to you now etc.

I could be wrong, but pan pan does not call for radio silence, the coastguard will move the pan pan to a working channel to keep '16' open, a mayday will be worked on 16 and therefore silonce mayday will be required from all non involved vessels.

Though I guess the solent will have its own rules as it appears the majority like to make themselves heard.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue> Julian </font color=blue>

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18 Jun 2001
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To answer your question it would be
PAN PAN Yacht Whatever this is Yacht Seadog received your Pan Pan and can offer assistance, I am 2 miles from you and can be with you in 15 mins OVER.

As for radio silence then it is automatically imposed for a Minimum of 3 minutes on CH 16 before going to a working channel but if the Coastgaurd decide otherwise they will hold you on 16

Make sure you are up to speed on your phonetic alphabet and your instructor will take you through the full procedure

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