It's not the best photo, but it's our new baby. Been to see her for the first time today up at Ipswich. She's still undergoing the fit out - the big metal thing you hang the sails on is yet to be fixed.
I had such a rush when I saw this photo. It brought my memories of a couple of seasons ago flooding back. You must feel like a dog with 2 appendages at the moment!!! Enjoy the experience.
Here is one of ours, sorry if it interrupts. Note only half the required metal to hang sails on also, but that did not matter.
Nice pics of spanking new boats, hope you will have many happy hours on them.
'fraid my wings (or should it be fins) are a little clipped this year with my new baby; now 7 1/2 months old. She is a little darling and I took her along on our clubs first race on Thursday night. Was a perfect evening with clear sky about F3 SE. Was really envious with my E-boat out on her mooring and me on the key just watching, still Rachel seemed to love the colourful flapping sails and I think (hope !) she will get the bug and be a willing crew member.
Rachel looks lovely, and my son Stuart (who turned 18 last Wenesday) came out racing when he was 2 in a baby bouncer.
Kim is the lucky one, our boat is entering its third season now.
But here is our Grandson , Jamie, who is in his first season......
I am an anarchist
I am an #########
Dont know what I want, but know how to get it
wibble wibble wibble wibble wibble wibble wibble wibble wibble wibble wibble
Love the pics of your new boat.. Working right now on Mrs Cameronke, trying to sell her into the benefits of sailing the West Coast of Scotland as a family annual holiday but we will need a bigger boat
and I think she is biting /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I know just how you feel. This is a pic of our new baby the day we took delivery.
In a few days time yours will be looking similar and it will, with out a doubt in your mind, be the best boat in the world, and you will be the proudest man in the world, and you will want everyone to know about it, and you will want everyone to see it and you will.................. It's a very exciting time.
congrats - you'll have so much fun and the 30 is such a sensible choice - managable by one, comfortable for four.
We're 'moored' just about 50 yards from you at the moment, up in the car-park at Ipswich Haven until we get splashed on Friday, so I think I've seen your boat from below. We went through the new boat joy last April and one year on are coming to the end of the 'refit challenge' - doesn't look like you'll have to worry about that.
Think you should replace that wheel cover though.... /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well done Kim, hope mother and baby are both doing fine /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
We are just about to order a bav 30 ourselves and am wondering how the whole experience was for you? Did they meet delivery date, give any discount /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif etc
Any hints will be appreciated, ps, is the boat next to you called TRYSTAR by any chance?