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Please (polite request) give a warning when linking directly to a media file, luckily I had just finished writing a DVD, had it still been running it could have and has in the past ruined the dvd as the cache falls away to zero.
You shouldn't need to apologise, DogWatch shouldn't open links that may interfere with what he's doing anyway. You can't know what he's up to.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're right, he does not need to apologise, it was not what I was after. As I stated it is a polite request to give a little warning about the link, especially if it is media. I have given up links in the lounge while doing other things but in scutts it is rare for them to link to anything but a news article or similar which is no problem at all.
I just think in scuttlebut it would not be a hardship to say, video-link or something similar, then I could come back later to view if inclined.
I reiterate, this is just a polite request and should not be taken as a moan, or rant.