Open source Raymarine Autopilot Remote Control


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20 Jul 2020
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Hopefully this isnt counted as spam as it's open source and free and may be of interest to some other PBO readers.

I've worked this last year on a project for my boat to allow me to control my Autohelm / Raymarine ST1000+ auto pilot remotely . It uses a 433mhz remote and the buttons can be mapped to various functions including the normal +/- 1 | 10 etc . There is a web interface for controlling it on a phone and i'm working on an app for my android wear watch that i'll share as open source as well.

Stuff i'm working on that'll work on the hardware include Seatalk to NMEA0183 duplex tcpip wireless multiplexer to allow open CPN to send and receive data . Also be able to feed your seatalk instruments from Signal K as repeaters if you have some kicking about like I do!

Link to github where you can get the circuit design , 3d printed case and code as well as some demo video links.

GitHub - nauti-control/STWirelessRemote: Open Source Wireless remote for Raymarine ST1000/ST2000 autopilots as well as ST60 speed timer.


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15 Oct 2004
Ireland, (Crosshaven)
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It's not spam...coz I am looking for one 😁😁😁

And if I had the time and energy I would definitely like to build one and get a PhD in computer science so I could programme one...I am sure many on here would take this in their stride

Your idea of Mob set up to turn the boat head to wind sounds good. I think this and automatically deploy a drogue may be the ideal for a solo sailor mid ocean...


New member
20 Jul 2020
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It's not spam...coz I am looking for one 😁😁😁

And if I had the time and energy I would definitely like to build one and get a PhD in computer science so I could programme one...I am sure many on here would take this in their stride

Your idea of Mob set up to turn the boat head to wind sounds good. I think this and automatically deploy a drogue may be the ideal for a solo sailor mid ocean...

Deploying the drouge would be a step beyond my abilities but if you had trailing lines stopping/slowing the boat would be something ! If you have all raymarine gear the mob panic button will send alert to chart plotters / gps and other instruments . Once you hook into things like autopilot and instruments theres a lot of cool stuff you can do !

THey arent that hard to build , though I've a few pre-built ones on there for sale that are ready to install.


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20 Jul 2020
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May be of interest , 20% off in April with code APRIL20 over at the website for pre-made models for anyone not wanting to build the hardware themselves.


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3 Nov 2001
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Your idea of Mob set up to turn the boat head to wind sounds good.

I have been thinking about a facility like that where a sensor to determine which tack the boat is on and then to put the helm hard over the appropriate tack. I do have Crew saver (MOBi) that could trigger the event such that the boat could sail around the MOB.

I do have a life ring that can be thrown overboard with a dan buoy with a floating line attached to the boat. The idea is that the life ring could encircle the MOD and allow the MOB to get back to the boat.

A way of releasing the Life ring would be easy as it's just an electromechanical release device and as a design engineer easy for me.

Where are the details of your MOB control device detailed. Just interested in doing this to help fellow sailors as I an retired.