Well-known member
If starting scratch then that could possibly work if done properly.That's legal weaselling to avoid responsibility if they get it wrong - just like my car registration says it isn't proof of ownership, though AIUI, there's no legal requirement to inform SSR if you sell your boat.
For it to be a "proper" registration system, registration would have to last indefinitely, with a requirement to inform SSR of changes. As for smaller boats, I think they're less of a problem - a few GRP munchers scattered around the coast could deal with them.
If we have to have a registration system to deal with derelicts, I'd apply it to all vessels over, say 6m, plus those originally fitted with an inboard engine, as that seems to me about the point at which they're going to have to be taken apart properly because of fuel, oil, etc.
the problem starting from now is all the semi derelict boats. the ones stuck in the corner of a cheap boatyard or creek with an owner who will never see them again but who can't face up to reality and sell so just pays a couple of hundred a year to keep the rose tinted dream alive. Those boats are the ones that will never be registered and are probably only a missed cheque from counting as derelict. Whatever happens needs to proivde a solution to remove those boats.