Well-known member
UKHO Permanent/Preliminary/Temporary Notices
1. New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published on 7th September, 2023 - Chart 2482 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, River Medway and The Swale. 1:25,000; Continuation of THE SWALE on the same scale. 1:25,000; A Ferry Reach. 1:12,500; B Rochester. 1:12,500; C Continuation to Maidstone. 1:25,000
2. NORTH SEA - Legends. Submarine cables. - This notice finalises two Preliminary Notices (3028 and 2521/22) showing the position of new submarine cables between North Foreland and Ostend.
1. SEA REACH - LONDON GATEWAY GROUND INVESTIGATION WORKS - On or around the 14th August 2023 marine ground investigation works by Causeway Geotech Ltd will commence as part of DP World London Gateway’s extension project. The works, which are expected to last for two weeks, will be undertaken by Jack-up barge “HAVEN SEAJACK 1” (18m x 18m) in bore hole locations 1-11 as marked on the chart (see Notices to Mariners in the Local List) and a Van Veen Sampler on board vessel “MPV SEA DOG” in locations 12, 14 and 15 on the chart. Location 13 is not yet in use. The JUB will remain at each bore hole location (in green) for 8 to 12 hours; grab samples will take 20 to 40 minutes at the other 3 sites (in yellow). Workboat “MPV SEA DOG” will remain in attendance for crew transfers (via an Avon SR4 RIB), supplies and to act as tug vessel for the JUB moves between sites. A 100m exclusion zone around the JUB will be in place and coordination of contractors works between vessel movements at berth 3, construction works at berth 4 and these sampling works will be led by London Gateway. All vessels involved with the works will maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 68.
2. The Swale – Ferry Reach - Sheppey Crossing Inspection Work - work to inspect the Sheppey Crossing bridge structure is due to commence Monday 14th August 2023. Work to inspect the main navigable span is expected to be carried out on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th of August 2023 between the approximate hours of 21:00 – 04:00, this will involve inspections of the underside of the bridge using of an underbridge access rig mounted on a lorry. The use of this access machine will mean that roped access scaffolding will not be required to reach and inspect the underside of the structure and enable work to be undertaken quickly, effectively with the least impact to the Swale Navigation and Sheppey Crossing users. The safety boat ‘Protector’ will be stationed adjacent to the bridge at all times that work is underway, Protector will be in contact with the inspection team, the Kingsferry Bridge operator and will monitor VHF Channel 74 at all times. Commercial shipping movements will not be affected, however, ship’s transit times will be passed to the inspection team who will retract the machinery to allow vessels to pass safely. Admiralty Chart No. refers. 2572. Further information may be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74, call sign “Medway VTS” or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650. (Recorded lines)
3. PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH - Herring Bridge installation of tide boards - as part of the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, works will be completed from 14th August for approximately 1 week, to enable the installation of tide gauge boards. The works area is as shown in red in ther chartlet on the above quoted web page, equipment is a small raft & safety boat.
4. River Orwell Dredging - will be taking place in the Port of Ipswich and River Orwell. All Mariners are advised to keep clear and pass these vessels at slow speed. Both will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 68. For more information on the movements of these vessels contact Orwell Navigation Services on VHF Ch 68. - Dredging operations will be carried out on the following dates between Sunday 13th August and Wednesday 16th August by the grab hopper dredger ‘Cherry Sand’.
5. Burnham Fairway No 5 - NAVIGATION - Burnham Fairway No 5 Lighted Buoy in approximate position. 51° 37.187N, 000° 49.667E is extinguished and the top section missing. (Whoops?)
6. Orwell Bridge Works - contractors on behalf of Highways England will be undertaking routine rope access inspections of the Orwell Bridge overnight for two weeks, from Monday 18th September for a planned 2 week period. This will involve operatives ascending down the bridge structure, they will be utilising a combination of rope access and an underbridge unit to access the deck over the river spans. Equipment is typically attached to the inspector and this removes the requirement for netting. A safety boat will be in attendance for the duration of the works. Therefore, navigation of the River Orwell may continue as normal during this period.
7. The Wash - Approaches to King’s Lynn - Amendment to Buoyage** CORRECTED POSITION - due to changes in the profile of the approach channel to King’s Lynn, the following amendments to buoyage shall be carried on or about 10th August 2023: No.23 light buoy to be moved approx 112 metres x 060° to 52° 49’.890N 000°21’.630E: No.24 light buoy to be moved approx 75 metres x 165° to 52° 50’.025N 000°21’.845E. Works will/has be carried out by the work boat “St Edmund”. All passing craft are requested to pass at minimum speed whilst the “St Edmund” is conducting buoying operations.”. Please contact the St Edmund via VHF ch 14, or Harbour Office, for further information
8. London Array Wind Farm - revised Notice (different vessels being used) about the laying of new cables between two turbines - well within the Wind Farm and away from Foulger's Gat. But an accommodation vessel may be adjacent to Foulger's/Fisherman Gat.
That's it.
1. New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published on 7th September, 2023 - Chart 2482 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, River Medway and The Swale. 1:25,000; Continuation of THE SWALE on the same scale. 1:25,000; A Ferry Reach. 1:12,500; B Rochester. 1:12,500; C Continuation to Maidstone. 1:25,000
2. NORTH SEA - Legends. Submarine cables. - This notice finalises two Preliminary Notices (3028 and 2521/22) showing the position of new submarine cables between North Foreland and Ostend.
1. SEA REACH - LONDON GATEWAY GROUND INVESTIGATION WORKS - On or around the 14th August 2023 marine ground investigation works by Causeway Geotech Ltd will commence as part of DP World London Gateway’s extension project. The works, which are expected to last for two weeks, will be undertaken by Jack-up barge “HAVEN SEAJACK 1” (18m x 18m) in bore hole locations 1-11 as marked on the chart (see Notices to Mariners in the Local List) and a Van Veen Sampler on board vessel “MPV SEA DOG” in locations 12, 14 and 15 on the chart. Location 13 is not yet in use. The JUB will remain at each bore hole location (in green) for 8 to 12 hours; grab samples will take 20 to 40 minutes at the other 3 sites (in yellow). Workboat “MPV SEA DOG” will remain in attendance for crew transfers (via an Avon SR4 RIB), supplies and to act as tug vessel for the JUB moves between sites. A 100m exclusion zone around the JUB will be in place and coordination of contractors works between vessel movements at berth 3, construction works at berth 4 and these sampling works will be led by London Gateway. All vessels involved with the works will maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 68.
2. The Swale – Ferry Reach - Sheppey Crossing Inspection Work - work to inspect the Sheppey Crossing bridge structure is due to commence Monday 14th August 2023. Work to inspect the main navigable span is expected to be carried out on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th of August 2023 between the approximate hours of 21:00 – 04:00, this will involve inspections of the underside of the bridge using of an underbridge access rig mounted on a lorry. The use of this access machine will mean that roped access scaffolding will not be required to reach and inspect the underside of the structure and enable work to be undertaken quickly, effectively with the least impact to the Swale Navigation and Sheppey Crossing users. The safety boat ‘Protector’ will be stationed adjacent to the bridge at all times that work is underway, Protector will be in contact with the inspection team, the Kingsferry Bridge operator and will monitor VHF Channel 74 at all times. Commercial shipping movements will not be affected, however, ship’s transit times will be passed to the inspection team who will retract the machinery to allow vessels to pass safely. Admiralty Chart No. refers. 2572. Further information may be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74, call sign “Medway VTS” or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650. (Recorded lines)
3. PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH - Herring Bridge installation of tide boards - as part of the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, works will be completed from 14th August for approximately 1 week, to enable the installation of tide gauge boards. The works area is as shown in red in ther chartlet on the above quoted web page, equipment is a small raft & safety boat.
4. River Orwell Dredging - will be taking place in the Port of Ipswich and River Orwell. All Mariners are advised to keep clear and pass these vessels at slow speed. Both will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 68. For more information on the movements of these vessels contact Orwell Navigation Services on VHF Ch 68. - Dredging operations will be carried out on the following dates between Sunday 13th August and Wednesday 16th August by the grab hopper dredger ‘Cherry Sand’.
5. Burnham Fairway No 5 - NAVIGATION - Burnham Fairway No 5 Lighted Buoy in approximate position. 51° 37.187N, 000° 49.667E is extinguished and the top section missing. (Whoops?)
6. Orwell Bridge Works - contractors on behalf of Highways England will be undertaking routine rope access inspections of the Orwell Bridge overnight for two weeks, from Monday 18th September for a planned 2 week period. This will involve operatives ascending down the bridge structure, they will be utilising a combination of rope access and an underbridge unit to access the deck over the river spans. Equipment is typically attached to the inspector and this removes the requirement for netting. A safety boat will be in attendance for the duration of the works. Therefore, navigation of the River Orwell may continue as normal during this period.
7. The Wash - Approaches to King’s Lynn - Amendment to Buoyage** CORRECTED POSITION - due to changes in the profile of the approach channel to King’s Lynn, the following amendments to buoyage shall be carried on or about 10th August 2023: No.23 light buoy to be moved approx 112 metres x 060° to 52° 49’.890N 000°21’.630E: No.24 light buoy to be moved approx 75 metres x 165° to 52° 50’.025N 000°21’.845E. Works will/has be carried out by the work boat “St Edmund”. All passing craft are requested to pass at minimum speed whilst the “St Edmund” is conducting buoying operations.”. Please contact the St Edmund via VHF ch 14, or Harbour Office, for further information
8. London Array Wind Farm - revised Notice (different vessels being used) about the laying of new cables between two turbines - well within the Wind Farm and away from Foulger's Gat. But an accommodation vessel may be adjacent to Foulger's/Fisherman Gat.
That's it.