Well-known member
UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary Notices
1. New Editions of ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts on 2nd February, 2023: SCC 5607.9 Approaches to Mersea Island and Brightlingsea. 1:25,000. SCC5607.10 Harbours on the East Coast. A River Colne. 1:25,000; B Colchester Quays. 1:12,500;
C Brightlingsea. 1:12,500; D West Mersea. 1:12,500
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth. Rock. - Harwich Harbour Authority have notified the UKHO of the removal of a rock within the main harbour channel. Bit of a non-event for us as the boulder was at over 14m anyway. But out of interest, the image marks the spot!
3. NETHERLANDS - Light. Beacon. - Removal of light characteristics at the beacon in the restricted area outside of the Oosterschelde. The beacon remains but unlit. Not where we should be!
4. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy. - The yellow special buoy west of the Swallowtail in the Outer Crouch is now removed permanently (as previous notified by CHA at the end of last year. The image includes the 2022 revised position of the Swallowtail West cardinal buoy.
Images and full details of the full notices can be found at: Notices to Mariners
1. RIVER THAMES - SEA REACH - CALOR GAS CANVEY JETTY WORKS - from Friday 6th January onwards, contractors instructed by the operators of the Calor Gas Canvey terminal will re-commence works to the jetty. These works will include use of scaffolding, operatives working on the waterline and lifting operations, including use of man-riding baskets. A safety boat, name TOPSPEED, will be in attendance when required. These works will have no effect on the jetty’s navigational lights; and are expected to be complete by 13th October 2023. The location of the works is shown in the chartlet in the Local List on the above quoted web page. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’, Further details will be broadcast as needed by London VTS on VHF channels 68 & 69.
2. RIVER THAMES - WOOLWICH REACH - THAMES REFINERY OUTER JETTY DREDGING OPERATIONS - On or about 18th January 2023, marine contractors working on behalf of Tate & Lyle will be undertaking water injection dredging operations at Thames Refinery Outer Jetty, which will take approximately 1-week. In order to accommodate these works, the dredger AQUADELTA will undertake these operations over the high water periods and whilst the tide is ebbing. The chartlet below indicates the approximate footprint of the marine works. The AQUADELTA will display lights and signals as per the International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea (27). Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedure set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee. Further information will be broadcast by London VTS on Channel 14.
3. Harwich Haven Channel Deepening Project: Temporary Buoy Moves – Update 1: On or around the 5th January 2023 a number of navigation buoys will be moved from their temporary positions (approximately 50m outside the channel toe lines) back onto their assigned positions. The buoys in table B will be moved back to their designated positions once the dredging is completed. A Notice to Mariners will be issued when the buoys are relocated. A full list of the positions can be found in the Local List in the above quoted page but they are either in their usual position or v. close.
4. River Medway - NOTICES REMAINING IN FORCE - the following Local Notice to Mariners issued by Peel Ports London Medway remain in force, all others have been cancelled with effect from today.
NtoM 02 of 2022 – Isle of Grain LNG Jetties 8 & 10 exclusion zone + chart
NtoM 03 of 2022 – LNG Vessel Transit and Manoeuvres
NtoM 04 of 2022 – Pilot Transfer Arrangements & Declaration
NtoM 07 of 2022 – The Swale – Queenborough ATL – Reduction in speed when passing
NtoM 08 of 2022 – Wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery – Prohibited Area
NtoM 17 of 2022 – Peel Ports London Medway – Department for Transport Statement
NtoM 58 of 2022 – Dredging Operations – BP IOG Jetty No.1
NtoM 59 of 2022 – The Swale – Kingsferry Bridge – Period of Restricted Operation
Copies of current Notice To Mariners may be obtained from the Peel Ports website at - Marine Information | London Medway Port | Peel Ports Further information may be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74, call sign “Medway VTS’ or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650. (Nos 58 and 59 remain in the Local List.
5. River Medway - Saltpan Reach - Isle Of Grain LNG Jetties 8 & 10 - Dredging Operations - dredging operations are due to take place at Isle Of Grain LNG Jetties 8 & 10, dredging will commence on or around 16/01/2023 and is expected to be completed over two tides. Operations will be focussed around the “berthing boxes” of both jetties and will be carried out by the water injection dredger ‘Aquadelta’ who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. Aquadelta’ will display the required signals for respective operations by day and night, all vessels are requested to pass with caution, minimise their wash and monitor VHF Ch.74 at all times.
6. Dredging Operations at Royal Harwich Yacht Club and Woolverstone Marina - Dredging operations will be undertaken in the River Orwell at Woolverstone Marina as follows: - - ‘CH Horn’ working at Woolverstone Marina – from 9th January until 30th April 2023. Mariners are advised to keep a wide berth from these vessels during dredging operations and maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch. 68.
7. Ipswich - Interruption to Lock Operations - due to essential maintenance there may be disruptions to the operations of Ipswich lock from Wednesday 04/01/2023until 30/01/2023 between 0800 – 1700. Based on the worst-case scenario we hope to achieve 1 cycle per hour, depending on the tide and other shipping in the river. Vessels are asked to make use of the waiting pontoon if they are waiting for a lock in or present themselves in good time for lock outs. This Notice to Mariners will self-cancel on 30/01/2023 at 2359 Please call ONS VHF channel 68 for more information
8. Crouch Harbour Authority - Whitaker No 4 Lighted Buoy – River Crouch - the Whitaker No 4 Lighted Buoy has been retrieved from: 51° 40.936N, 01° 06.247E but remains off station from its charted position.
9. Crouch Harbour Authority - Notice to Mariners Remaining in Force as of 1st January 2023 - Please be advised that the following Notice to Mariners remain in force:
No: 2 of 2015 – Ship Generated Waste Notification
No:25 of 2016 – Paglesham Reach, River Roach
No:35 of 2016 – River Roach – Paglesham Boatyard
No:17 of 2017 – Buxey Edge Obstruction (Dangerous - my view)
No:18 of 2017 – Essex Marina – Excessive Wash
No:41 of 2017 – Power Cables – River Roach, Paglesham Creek
No:11 of 2018 – COLREGS Rule 9 Narrow Channels
No:24 of 2019 – Foul Anchorage, River Roach – Quay Reach
No:33 of 2020 – Increase in River Swimmers, Inflatable and Personal Watercraft
No:28 of 2021 – Buoy Changes in Swallowtail and Whitaker Navigation Channels (There is a download on my download page - except that I haven't deleted the Special yellow mark noted above yet))
No:43 of 2021 – Raysand Channel (My download supercedes the 'Less water' warning)
No:16 of 2022 – Polite Notice – Not permitted to moor vessels on navigation buoy marks.
No:21 of 2022 – Areas of High-Density Small Sailing Vessels.
No 24 of 2022 – Inappropriate and improper mooring.
No 26 of 2022 – Refurbishment Work to Bridgemarsh Marina.
No 30 of 2022 – Re-location of Swallowtail West Lighted Buoy.
No 31 of 2022 – River Crouch Survey Findings.
No 34 of 2022 – Removal of Town Pontoon.
No 39 of 2022 – Dangerous East Coast Wreck. (That is the small fishing vessel sunk at the Colne Bar buoy - I shall check and see if the UKHO temporary warning is still in force)
No 51 of 2022 – Dredging Operations at Burnham Yacht Harbour.
10. There are still operations on the London Array Wind Farm using Jack-up vessels but is all away from Foulger's Gat.
That is it.
1. New Editions of ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts on 2nd February, 2023: SCC 5607.9 Approaches to Mersea Island and Brightlingsea. 1:25,000. SCC5607.10 Harbours on the East Coast. A River Colne. 1:25,000; B Colchester Quays. 1:12,500;
C Brightlingsea. 1:12,500; D West Mersea. 1:12,500
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth. Rock. - Harwich Harbour Authority have notified the UKHO of the removal of a rock within the main harbour channel. Bit of a non-event for us as the boulder was at over 14m anyway. But out of interest, the image marks the spot!
3. NETHERLANDS - Light. Beacon. - Removal of light characteristics at the beacon in the restricted area outside of the Oosterschelde. The beacon remains but unlit. Not where we should be!
4. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy. - The yellow special buoy west of the Swallowtail in the Outer Crouch is now removed permanently (as previous notified by CHA at the end of last year. The image includes the 2022 revised position of the Swallowtail West cardinal buoy.
Images and full details of the full notices can be found at: Notices to Mariners
1. RIVER THAMES - SEA REACH - CALOR GAS CANVEY JETTY WORKS - from Friday 6th January onwards, contractors instructed by the operators of the Calor Gas Canvey terminal will re-commence works to the jetty. These works will include use of scaffolding, operatives working on the waterline and lifting operations, including use of man-riding baskets. A safety boat, name TOPSPEED, will be in attendance when required. These works will have no effect on the jetty’s navigational lights; and are expected to be complete by 13th October 2023. The location of the works is shown in the chartlet in the Local List on the above quoted web page. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’, Further details will be broadcast as needed by London VTS on VHF channels 68 & 69.
2. RIVER THAMES - WOOLWICH REACH - THAMES REFINERY OUTER JETTY DREDGING OPERATIONS - On or about 18th January 2023, marine contractors working on behalf of Tate & Lyle will be undertaking water injection dredging operations at Thames Refinery Outer Jetty, which will take approximately 1-week. In order to accommodate these works, the dredger AQUADELTA will undertake these operations over the high water periods and whilst the tide is ebbing. The chartlet below indicates the approximate footprint of the marine works. The AQUADELTA will display lights and signals as per the International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea (27). Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedure set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee. Further information will be broadcast by London VTS on Channel 14.
3. Harwich Haven Channel Deepening Project: Temporary Buoy Moves – Update 1: On or around the 5th January 2023 a number of navigation buoys will be moved from their temporary positions (approximately 50m outside the channel toe lines) back onto their assigned positions. The buoys in table B will be moved back to their designated positions once the dredging is completed. A Notice to Mariners will be issued when the buoys are relocated. A full list of the positions can be found in the Local List in the above quoted page but they are either in their usual position or v. close.
4. River Medway - NOTICES REMAINING IN FORCE - the following Local Notice to Mariners issued by Peel Ports London Medway remain in force, all others have been cancelled with effect from today.
NtoM 02 of 2022 – Isle of Grain LNG Jetties 8 & 10 exclusion zone + chart
NtoM 03 of 2022 – LNG Vessel Transit and Manoeuvres
NtoM 04 of 2022 – Pilot Transfer Arrangements & Declaration
NtoM 07 of 2022 – The Swale – Queenborough ATL – Reduction in speed when passing
NtoM 08 of 2022 – Wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery – Prohibited Area
NtoM 17 of 2022 – Peel Ports London Medway – Department for Transport Statement
NtoM 58 of 2022 – Dredging Operations – BP IOG Jetty No.1
NtoM 59 of 2022 – The Swale – Kingsferry Bridge – Period of Restricted Operation
Copies of current Notice To Mariners may be obtained from the Peel Ports website at - Marine Information | London Medway Port | Peel Ports Further information may be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74, call sign “Medway VTS’ or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650. (Nos 58 and 59 remain in the Local List.
5. River Medway - Saltpan Reach - Isle Of Grain LNG Jetties 8 & 10 - Dredging Operations - dredging operations are due to take place at Isle Of Grain LNG Jetties 8 & 10, dredging will commence on or around 16/01/2023 and is expected to be completed over two tides. Operations will be focussed around the “berthing boxes” of both jetties and will be carried out by the water injection dredger ‘Aquadelta’ who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. Aquadelta’ will display the required signals for respective operations by day and night, all vessels are requested to pass with caution, minimise their wash and monitor VHF Ch.74 at all times.
6. Dredging Operations at Royal Harwich Yacht Club and Woolverstone Marina - Dredging operations will be undertaken in the River Orwell at Woolverstone Marina as follows: - - ‘CH Horn’ working at Woolverstone Marina – from 9th January until 30th April 2023. Mariners are advised to keep a wide berth from these vessels during dredging operations and maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch. 68.
7. Ipswich - Interruption to Lock Operations - due to essential maintenance there may be disruptions to the operations of Ipswich lock from Wednesday 04/01/2023until 30/01/2023 between 0800 – 1700. Based on the worst-case scenario we hope to achieve 1 cycle per hour, depending on the tide and other shipping in the river. Vessels are asked to make use of the waiting pontoon if they are waiting for a lock in or present themselves in good time for lock outs. This Notice to Mariners will self-cancel on 30/01/2023 at 2359 Please call ONS VHF channel 68 for more information
8. Crouch Harbour Authority - Whitaker No 4 Lighted Buoy – River Crouch - the Whitaker No 4 Lighted Buoy has been retrieved from: 51° 40.936N, 01° 06.247E but remains off station from its charted position.
9. Crouch Harbour Authority - Notice to Mariners Remaining in Force as of 1st January 2023 - Please be advised that the following Notice to Mariners remain in force:
No: 2 of 2015 – Ship Generated Waste Notification
No:25 of 2016 – Paglesham Reach, River Roach
No:35 of 2016 – River Roach – Paglesham Boatyard
No:17 of 2017 – Buxey Edge Obstruction (Dangerous - my view)
No:18 of 2017 – Essex Marina – Excessive Wash
No:41 of 2017 – Power Cables – River Roach, Paglesham Creek
No:11 of 2018 – COLREGS Rule 9 Narrow Channels
No:24 of 2019 – Foul Anchorage, River Roach – Quay Reach
No:33 of 2020 – Increase in River Swimmers, Inflatable and Personal Watercraft
No:28 of 2021 – Buoy Changes in Swallowtail and Whitaker Navigation Channels (There is a download on my download page - except that I haven't deleted the Special yellow mark noted above yet))
No:43 of 2021 – Raysand Channel (My download supercedes the 'Less water' warning)
No:16 of 2022 – Polite Notice – Not permitted to moor vessels on navigation buoy marks.
No:21 of 2022 – Areas of High-Density Small Sailing Vessels.
No 24 of 2022 – Inappropriate and improper mooring.
No 26 of 2022 – Refurbishment Work to Bridgemarsh Marina.
No 30 of 2022 – Re-location of Swallowtail West Lighted Buoy.
No 31 of 2022 – River Crouch Survey Findings.
No 34 of 2022 – Removal of Town Pontoon.
No 39 of 2022 – Dangerous East Coast Wreck. (That is the small fishing vessel sunk at the Colne Bar buoy - I shall check and see if the UKHO temporary warning is still in force)
No 51 of 2022 – Dredging Operations at Burnham Yacht Harbour.
10. There are still operations on the London Array Wind Farm using Jack-up vessels but is all away from Foulger's Gat.
That is it.