Notices to Mariners - Week 05


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Gosh, the weeks whiz by!

UKHO Permanent/Prelimary/Temporary
1. No really one this week except: ENGLAND - East Coast - Obstruction. Buoyage. -
This is a catch-up notice copying NtM 335 of last week about a new ‘obstn’ in the Mouse channel and three adjacent unlit orange (CEFAS) buoys to include notification for its relevant Small Craft Chart. Same image.


- on or about Monday 22nd January 2024 the vessel LONDON TITAN will be installing moorings for the fuel barge HUMBER at Wapping. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’, which are displayed. Masters of passing vessels should have due regard for the effects of their wash including the possibility of rebound from the river wall and the combined effect of wash from other vessels. Further details will be broadcast as needed by London VTS on VHF channels 14.
2. RIVER THAMES - LOWER POOL - FREE TRADE WHARF – EXCLUSION ZONE AND SPEED REDUCTION - This notice is a reissue of M66-23 - The Port of London Authority (PLA) has been informed by the owner of Free Trade Wharf that the timber structures referred to as Charrington Jetty and Newcastle Jetty are structurally unsound and there is the potential for a catastrophic failure of the structures, which could put persons at risk of harm. Accordingly, mariners are informed that, effective immediately, the PLA establishes an Exclusion Zone in the vicinity of Free Trade Wharf. The boundaries of the Exclusion Zone are indicated in red on the charlet. No vessel is to enter inside, or remain within, the Exclusion Zone except (i) vessels permitted by the PLA to make use of the Stone Stairs barge moorings; or (ii) vessels with the express prior permission of London VTS. The attention of Vessel Masters is drawn to General Direction 17.1(a) of the General Directions for Navigation in the Port of London 2021.
3. Reduced Depth – River Stour – Update 1 - a recent survey has identified reduced depths, minimum depth now 0.6m below Chart Datum, in the approaches to Mistley in the River Stour. See chart extract for details. Maintenance dredging works are currently underway (see notice 74-2023) to restore the channel depth and a further notice will be issued once this work has been completed.
4. RIVER MEDWAY – Chatham Reach - Royal Engineers Jetty – Diving Operations - diving operations are due to take place in Chatham Reach adjacent to the Royal Engineers Jetty. Army divers from the Royal Engineers will be diving to remove a submerged obstruction that lies close to the upstream end of the jetty, dive ops. are due to commence 22.01.2024 with completion expected by 26.01.2024. The dive team will be utilising 2 inflatable army craft for all dive operations and will be monitoring VHF Channel 74 at all times. Dive Operations will be located at the following approximate position: 51° 24. 090 N 000° 31. 360 E. All vessels passing the Royal Engineers jetty at Upnor are requested to navigate with extreme caution, reducing their speed and wash accordingly. Further information can be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74 (Callsign “Medway VTS”) or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650. (Recorded Lines)

Images can be seen in the usual webpage: Notices to Mariners

That's it.

Whoops I missed one at Ramsgit: "Mariners are advised that the North Quern, ( 51⁰ 19’ . 41N 001⁰ 26’.15E) in the Ramsgate Approach Channel is now unlit."

And now a late local notice last night:

Harwich Harbour - Survey work – Bathside Bay - workboat Haven Hornbill (callsign VSYP7) will be undertaking survey operations on or around morning high water (11:39) on 25 January 2024 in Bathside Bay in the vicinity of the Train Ferry Terminus Pier. During this work, the vessel will be restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, and mariners are requested to pass at slow speed.

Images of location and the vessel just being posted up in the above quoted webpage in the Local List.
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