Nice if you can do it !


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21 Jun 2003
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I was reading MBM last night and was particularly drawn to the article on the family currently on year twelve of an extended world cruise, incidentally in what did not appear to be a particularly large boat. How the hell do you finance such an operation ? what did this guy do for a living before hand ?
I for one think that this is a very brave and fortunate man.
Can anyone enlighten us further, I would be very interested in any opinions on the matter.

regards - Ian

<hr width=100% size=1>Play the best game you can with the cards you've been dealt ! ! !

Deleted User YDKXO

I think you're referring to the Jauncey family who've been posting regular articles in MBM for years on their exploits. If memory serves, the boat is called a Solent 40 which they built themselves (in timber I think) from a one off design (again I think Laurent Giles)
How they make ends meet I've no idea but I remember reading that they do a bit of charter work with the boat and marine repair work for others when in port
For what its worth, I know somebody who is planning a 2 yr circumnavigation in a sailing yacht and she is budgeting on £5k per year but thats doing it on a shoestring. On the other hand, we've also met a couple doing a circumnavigation in a 60' motorsailor and they reckon they spend about £60k per year but then they always moored in marinas and ate out a lot (and drank a lot!)

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9 Jan 2003
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I think I would like to do something similar, but need help with the funds. If anyone wants to send me some money, just PM me and I'll send you the address to forward your cheques to.


<hr width=100% size=1>Jerbro
Click here for <A target="_blank" HREF=> My ex-boat pics</A>

Deleted User YDKXO

Thats easy. Buy yourself a wreck of a boat. Tell everyone its a 'Dunkirk Veteran'. It may have only been to Dunkirk for duty frees but that does'nt matter. Set up a charity to 'save' this important piece of national heritage. Apply to the Lottery Fund, set up a website, get a few press releases in the boatie mags and wait for the cash to roll in
Once you've got enough readies for a Fleming 55, clear off round the world for a few years until the dust settles

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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Naughty naughty!

I remember the various posts to which you refer.
It may have been opportunistic but one would like to think, naively innocent.

I very much admire some of the Dunkirk Little Ships, and the Association must be a huge help. I feel they must be fighting a losing battle as the current owners of these boats get older and younger people, such as myself, have been brought up with tupperware and romantic as the notion of owning one of these boats might be, fortunately, common sense usually wins. Close call once or twice!!

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Cap\'n Bob?

ooh, i never spoke to you about that.

I met a couple + 1 crew on a 63' Cheoy Lee motor sailor in St tropez. When i say i "met" them, i actually mean that we almost smacked our boat into them whilst backing in with very nasty wind, but we narrerly avoided damage or falling out prior to getting moored up next door to them in the Old Port. Having broken the ice they advised that we'd arrived in the middle or the autumn sale, and then (as we knew the place) we suggested to meet up for drinks. We went to club 55 (by cab) the next day and twas all very fine. Anyway, they were v suprised that when they referred to "their friend with a t48 in lanap" I said oh yes you mean Deleted User?

If they continued burning loot at the same rate as that weekend it would have been nearer £150k per year, but good fun had by all.

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21 Jun 2003
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Re: Cap\'n Bob?

Jerbo - get behind the queue

Deleted User - how synical you are (but very true)


<hr width=100% size=1>Play the best game you can with the cards you've been dealt ! ! !

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: Cap\'n Tosh actually?

No, we got the full SP about your disgusting behaviour from Myles, their crew. Myles is a friend of a friend who's been round the world in a tub you and I would think too small to take to Cowes from Southampton. He may be small but he's got big ears and binocular eyes so he notices everything
Tosh told me he budgets for about $100k per year which was £60k in proper money at the time but, as you say, he seems to drink for America so I'm also surprised $100k covers it
We too met him during a very delicate berthing manouevre but in Villefranche. After a rather fraught bit of reversing around the pulpit of his Cheoy Lee into a berth next door, he was standing on the pontoon offering me a beer before we'd even tied up. I took his beer, he completely ignored my stern line and this probably sums up his approach to life

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Cap\'n Tosh

any idea where he is at the mo?

Miles (or Myles) was also rtw, bigger contrast with cap'n tosh one cdn't imagine, but altogether a very merry crew.

Madame Tosh slightly unnerved mrs tcm with her accounts of "always getting seasick" but i still may be on for a longdistance sailaway (eventually).

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Deleted User YDKXO

Re: Cap\'n Tosh

Yes, they ended up in Torrieveja or somewhere similar in S Spain and they've left the boat there for winter whilst they headed back to the US for a few months. In fact I think they've put the boat up for sale
Mrs Tosh did indeed suffer from seasickness and Mr Tosh seemed most careful not to put to sea unless the forecast was fair. Dont blame her actually, the Cheoy seemed a mite top heavy and roly poly to me although Myles told me it does sail OK if there's a bit of wind
So, the Leopard's going to do a circumnavigation then. Are you going to lob all the fridges and icemakers into the sea in favour of extra diesel tanks or just add a sail?

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Cap\'n Tosh

on account of range (and tight-gittedness) i think it wil be a sail job which neatly permits loads of hanging about at anchor (alright, tightgittedness again) BUT whilst retaining all the icemakers and fridges and the table tennis in the saloon option ooh and powerboat on the front deck with a little crane or sumink oh and nice comfy beds and also i will nick all the cutlery from leopard. Also all the winches have to be fully powered, and the fwd deck has to be quite big for decent wangable rib. Also can i have two engines as well please, and tow generators and a nice aft swimming platform, thanks. Nordia, possibly. I'll get the sack for this....

I bet ccscott would lust after tosh's boat. Agree quite roly poly, hence gippy wife i think.

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