description please for an ignorant mobo'er. Gaff rigged schooner with clipper type sails on forestays.........don't know what the other two sails are that are furled./forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
So what do you correctly call this type of rig?
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I checked this so don't think I'm a smartarse (definitely NOT-I spelt smartarse wrong first time round!!)
SHIP----------3 or more masts, all square-rigged
BARQUE------3 or more masts, all square-rigged except aftermost mast which F&A
BARQUENTINE--3 or more masts,square on fore, F&A on rest
BRIG---------2 masts, both square-rigged
BRIGANTINE--2 masts, square-rigged on foremast
SCHOONER---2 or more masts, F&A on all but with square topsails
For what its worth I would have described it as a 'Tops'l Schooner". Tops'l for the square rig on the foremast. Schooner is hopefully obvious - the main mast is abaft the foremast.
Not sure about singlehanded, but I've been on a similar one with an effective crew
or three or four including the skipper.
that's a brigantine, the previous photo is a topsail schooner.
boats of that size were sailed by a man and a boy. in today's terms that means you on the helm and 'er indoors on the ropes /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
If the yard for the fore course is standing, as it looks in the picture, I would call her a Hermaphrodite Brig. Funny place for the ensign, at the main masthead, should be at the main peak. Strange arrangement of spans for both the peak halliards. Nice though.