new scam for you?


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5 Aug 2003
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It seems that this scam has reached you guys and I owe it to you to warn you about it and the mail below I addressed to Greg Palast a journalist.

Hi Greg,

I have just read on a piece about red mercury that originated from:

It is a total confabrication and distortion of facts, again used to scare stupid americans.

There is no red mercury, there are 17 radioactive Isotopes that are found only in atom reactors, many with half live of a few seconds the longest being 28 days.

This means that these materials will decay into someting lower, lead probably in the end, and cannot be found in nature or outside of an reactor.

And this is how the scam works.

At first, a few people target an erea, they spread the word that they are trying to buy red mercury for such and such an amount, the prices are being really astronomical.

Then step two, some buyer appear to look for red mercury. He is willing to pay twice as much as the crowd (same gang and often the same people) offering the red mercury. and so they find a sucker.

Once a middle man is found who hope to make a hell of a profit and has paid in cash , the buyers disappear and he sits with ordinary mercuro chrome in a fancy packkage, labelled dangerous and not to be opened.

Here a Bankmanager lost his job about 10 years ago, when he "borrowed" on a certain profit to buy red mercury. He lost all, his house, his job, his family.

Also, 5ml or other samples are offered for a price that does not tally with the supposedly expensive 1kg price.

With these smaller samples, the poorer sucker get caught.

It seems that the origination of the scam is in South Africa/Namibia by exmembers of Koevoet (former counter-insurgency group now disfunct)

One of the people (but never a member of Koevoet) was russel bartlett, he claimed, it is a swiss agency and an australian who are looking for/offering red mercury.

The give away is the spec sheet that says 99.9999% pure, but a radio active material, that has a half life time and is constantly decaying, can never be 99.9999% pure.

To scare the american voters with such a cheap criminal scam, shows that bush supporters will stop at nothing to scare the americans so that they support their war time president. They fail to see that the idiot should not have started the war in the first place.

I have tried in the past to correct wrong articles on and was ignored as I was taking down a sensational story.

Maybe you have enough muscle to expose/inform the readership.


P.O.Box 3713
Walvis Bay / Nmaibia

<hr width=100% size=1>Nothing shall surprise me again, not even when my male dog billy should become a lesbien tomorrow


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28 Jul 2001
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Re: You are back

Great to see you posting again. Been wondering where you got to and if you were sorted out now.


<hr width=100% size=1>Dont ask me cos I am just a mushroom.


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28 Jul 2001
North Moray Coast.
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Re: You are back

Great to see you posting again. Been wondering where you got to and if you were sorted out now.


<hr width=100% size=1>Dont ask me cos I am just a mushroom.


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23 Jul 2003
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Hi Winfried (spelling) can you describe Russel Bartlett to me. is he a native of Namibia or US/Brit citizen. Sorry I couldnt PM you as site was playing up.

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