NE Coast


30 Jan 2003
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I am planning my first short cruise down the NE coast from the Firth of Forth with the aim of reaching Holy Island. I have read that the holding in the anchorage at Holy Island can be poor, anyone have any experience? Being a long keeler I can not take the ground. Also any other recommendations for anchorages/harbours along this coast. Dunbar, Eyemouth and Berwick look like the main possibilities, but what are they like for visiting yachts? Any information would be welcome.

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14 Aug 2002
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I might be wrong but I think the Royal Northumbrian YC maybe keep visitors bouys at Holy Island. I believe they have a website and their pilot book will be of assistance to you.

Have you thought about overnight in amongst the Farnes? The kettle gives good shelter. I doubt you want to be there during the day when all the trip boats are buzzing about from Seahouses. Seahouses itself is pretty tacky and I think you need to dry out in the outer harbour. If you want a marina keep going to Amble. The north northumbrian coast is a lovely cruising ground. Navigation is mostly done by spotting dramatic castles: bamburgh, duntanburgh, lindesfarne etc.

On the way back the dock at Berwick is a bit on the industrial side but there is complete shelter: if you were happy to dry out alongside you could stop off at Burnmouth which is a dramatic wee place; ditto St Abbs; Eyemouth is probably now the most geared up to receiving yachts (now home to an international collection of historic small boats, although I am not sure how many of them you can see yet) (good chip shop too) with a length of pontoon at which you will float all states of the tide; Dunbar will probably get you in alongside a bit of wall, check your tides: there was pretty dramatic footage a Harlsberg-Rassy breaking up in a swell in the entrance posted here last year; there are visitors moorings off North Berwick: those deep in the bay will cause you to dry out during springs, but not neaps, those off the low pier are deeper water but will cause you to roll if there is a westerly chop: don't go there if there is an easterly swell running). You could anchor in the lee of Fidra, but avoid going round the South of it unless you know what you are doing.

Hope this is useful. Have a lovely time.

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by RobbieW on 15/06/2004 12:06 (server time).</FONT></P>


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29 Jun 2001
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Hi, as said previously the RNYC pilot book is invaluable for the North East coast money well spent if only just to read.I believe moorings at Holy Island belong to locals who tend to get cross if visitors use them.I cruised from Amble to the Forth/Clyde canal last year,Dunbar was very hospitable but open to swell depending on wind direction,Eyemouth was also very hospitable but keep yer hat on, lots of seagulls. Enjoy your criuse John L.

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27 Nov 2002
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The holdng at Holy Island is so good I had to leave my anchor there a few years ago.

Anchored there lots of times and never had problems with holding although there is a strong tide through the anchorage. Don't go too far up ie towards St Cuthberts island and you should be ok. Probably my favourint anchorage, magic place.

Farnes are worth a try, but be prepared for a noisy time, when the terns stop squabbling the seals start howling at each other, very eerie noise. Kettle is usual spot but can be uncomfortable if weather is not perfect. I certainly would not anchor there or anywhere else around Farnes if weather was at all iffy.

The RNYC book is well worth buying, lots of detail that really helps. Particularly useful guide to sailing round Farnes, would'nt recommend trying it without and certainly don't try to go where the trip boats do.

Beware Berwick perhaps worth a call to HM before going in to check on channel, it moves, There are more buoys now I think which helps. Last time I went in SWMBO ran us aground dead on the transit, completely my fault of course.

Nice Marina at Amble good entry on top half of tide.

Not been in Eyemouth since alterations so can't comment.

Have a good time.

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4 Jan 2004
Edinburgh Scotland
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THe RNYC Pilot book is the publication you will need, last edition 2002 does not show the new pontoons at Eyemouth, and I have been informed that the surge
problem at Dunbar has been much reduced by extensive work in raising the height of the infill in the blocked entrance to the Cromwell Harbour.
From mid Forth, Anstruther is a good overnight stop, then South as required, and the FYCA Pilot book has much information south to Berwick and North to Fraserburgh, for an East Coast sailor,both books are required.

<hr width=100% size=1>Never recovered from loss of Tot, 1974