Navionics chart coverage: area 25 vs 28


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12 Dec 2008
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I'm thinking of updating my Navionics charts, on the basis that some things (mostly buoys) have moved in the last five years. Whilst I am at it I'm thinking of changing coverage areas.

I would be grateful for forum advice on chart coverage for two of the Platinum+ products: areas 25 (UK South-Hamburg) and area 28 (UK, Ireland and Holland). Currently I have 25, but I am thinking of swapping it for 28, on the basis that I am more likely to sail round the UK or off to Ireland than I am to go to Belgium. However, it is essential that, whichever I choose, has coverage of the Channel Islands and North Brittany coast.

The coverage maps on the Navionics website are not particularly clear, since the lines showing the boundary of the area covered by each card are about 20nm wide. I can't tell from the chart for area 28 whether it covers the whole of the North Brittany coast and the Channel Islands or not. There is no mention of these areas in the description of area 28, but someone I spoke to at Navionics said they were covered.

Can anyone tell me for sure whether the CI and North Brittany coast from Brest to St Malo/Cancale are on area 28?


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3 Mar 2006
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Good question. Coverage should be same as Navionics Gold. If they say it covers N Brittany and it doesn't then you can send it back.


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12 Dec 2008
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Thanks for the response. I was beginning to wonder if anyone out there had actually seen my post or whether I had upset so many forumites in the past that they all had me on "Block" ! :eek:

That was my thinking. I'll be buying direct from Navionics in order to qualify for the discount applicable to upgrades rather than a new purchase and, if I put in a letter saying that I am buying it on the understanding (as advised by one of their telephone operators) that CI and N Brittany are covered, it turns out that they aren't I should be able to get a free exchange for the one that does cover them.

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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The Channel Islands are definately covered by 28XG but unfortunately I haven't yet made it as far South as North Brittany.