Navico 5000 tiller pilot



Can someone please help me! My girlfriend was left in the cockpit with my navico tiller pilot at the helm, after one minutes fiddleing the navico was working backwards!!! I presume she has altered if from a starbord to a port mount. I've no instructions and can't sort it out. Please can someone be more help than simrad who have ignored all my e-mails for help.


Well-known member
6 Jun 2001
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yes, the tillerpilot can be made to work backwards (so it can be mounted on the other side of the cockpit if required) by pressing the buttons on a certain way, so for sure, no damage has been done. Up until last year I had a 5000 but can nnot now remember the sequence of buttons. When I get home tonight I will look to see if I still have the instruction manual.

By the way, I have a wind-vane attachment for the 5000. Interested?


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16 May 2001
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Try the SIMRAd web site.

If you log on to and a little persistance you will get to some manuals for your autopilot that you can read and print or down load. This should explain things, tell you a lot of other useful functions that will complicate your life and allow you to change back to the original configuration as it was [no harm has been done].

On my T10 version to reverse the settings from starboard [the factory setup] to port mounting I must hold down the cal with the power off then switch on, the port or starboard LED light will show the setting depending on the configuration. Then press the port or starboard light for your choice. Confirm selection and exit to standby mode by pressing cal. Well that is what my manual says. I guess that trial and error will get it right. Isn't it great that electonics simplify things for us.