

New member
28 Aug 2002
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The Muddha beams benignly

Even on the impudent and the impertinent.

For your first spiritual exercise you will be placed under the tutelage of the Grand Master Lairie Lummock (aka Alex CB) who will supervise your baptism and receive you into the novitiate - known as the Order of the Glaursel *

That'll learn you!

* Since none of the Hibernian brethren is here to translate and bananian barbarians are known to be profoundly ignorant of civilised tongues, for your further enlightenment, Glaursel is an ancient Shetland word meaning:

"Covered ALL OVER (yes, I do mean ALL) with mud!"

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New member
28 Aug 2002
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Hey, Alex

You reminded me of a time when I was about the same age as you were when you fell off that gangplank.

I fell into the Whitestone Pond in London. I was wearing my "lion mac" (So called because of the colour)

My parents didn't have a car so we started to squelch home (well, I squelched, anyway) It was a long walk.

Well, an amazing thing happened. A lady we had never met drew up beside us in a chauffeur driven Rolls Royce and offered us a lift home. She didn't seem to mind at all that I was completely soaked through - although I did have to go in the space at the front beside the chauffeur. I think it was meant for luggage.

That was the first, and last, time I have ever been in a Rolls Royce. Thank you for reminding me - and give my love to Mirelle!

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Re: Good grief!!!!!

Am I the only one on this board to take a slightly more prosaic view on a facet of the sailing life which is never ever touched on in Boat Mags, Boat Shows, or other proponents of our sport? Am I the only one truly aware of this omnipresent horror lurking beneath our keels waiting to pounce on us, and besmirch and besmear the pride and joy, SWMBO (who in my case loves it so much she invariably takes a header into the fithy stuff if she gets anywhere near it), the dog, the kids and anything else that happens to be around?

Or is it that most of you are marina dwellers who never actually come in to contact with the beastly stuff?

Nice bit of writing though Violetta - could almost come to like your sort of mud. Errrm - perhaps not!

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11 Jun 2001
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Hi Violetta,

Quite enchantingly put, I have to agree with you. It always astounds me when I walk along the sea wall, or sit at anchor or to a mooring, with the bottom of the keel, perhaps, just nestling in the lovely soft stuff how the landscape changes as the water comes back to hide the brownery for a time.

We saw our first seal of the season a couple of weeks ago, having a good look at us as we sailed past, towards the Nass with Idaho's prospective new caretakers on board for a trial sail. I like to think that Idaho looked after us well and appreciated our care because she treated us to one of those wonderful gentle trips that reminds you just how good it is to be on the water, with no particular place to go just there and back.

Anyway, she now has new owners, who I believe will continue where we left off, and we have found another, with slightly longer legs and a little more room for friends and family and a new, long, list of jobs to do, when the mud is uncovered to give us time to do the jobs...

Yes I love the mud too


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30 Nov 2002
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Re: Hey, Alex

Dear Violetta,

You were very lucky that you got to go in a Rolls Royce and I am very happy about not being the only one that has fell in mud.

Alex Craig-Bennett

<hr width=100% size=1>Que scais-je?<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Mirelle on 18/08/2004 09:43 (server time).</FONT></P>